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    They that love beyond the world cannot be separated by it

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They that love beyond the world
cannot be separated by it. Death cannot
kill what never dies.


            I'm going to tell you a story, Harry. And be warned, it isn't a pretty one to tell... But it's one that holds great importance to me. Let me tell you about a young girl named Soleil Le Fay and how her great act of bravery.

            And how she fooled Voldemort himself that she had fallen for him. Though it cost her everything, including her life, the sacrifices she made is what lead to the destruction of Voldemort's first Horcrux and the discovery of another.


            LOVE WAS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE TO TOM. He wouldn't know the meaning of love, the reason for his own existence was all under a lie.

            Just the thought of such a thing ran his blood cold, he didn't know if these thoughts came for his disgust of his mother or father... Possibly both. It was the easy way to make someone vulnerable. To make someone do atrocities against the Heavens themselves... All in the name of love. The topic itself made the Riddle boy want to vomit at the thought of being weak for someone else.

            He was delighted with the thought of no person ever loving him, and he reciprocated those same thoughts. It brought joy to his soul knowing people cowered at the mere thought of him. No soul would ever be worthy of his affection.

            Love was impossible for him, even for the most of attractive of souls. But love and infatuation were two different things... Two heavily different things. And that was the exact same infatuation that he had for Soleil. She was a lady that could catch he attention of anyone she wanted, and everyone she didn't want to spare her a glance.

To Tom's dismay, he was one of those unlucky souls to wander their way to her.

            She was everything he couldn't have. She was everything he could never fathom to be. Her pure soul, kind nature, some would've thought to call her an 'Angel on Earth'. The feelings she gave Tom were something he had never felt for anyone ever before. Even the one who gave him life could never make his cold heart melt at the mere thought of her smile.

            Day and night he would watch her. Tom watched her from afar, watching her every action like she was a porcelain doll. It disgusted him that she associated with Muggleborns and Half-Bloods, what made them more worthy than him of her attention? Tom watched her every interaction, none were ever rude only kind words left her mouth. He forced himself to watch her give affection to another man, another soul tainted his Angel... His muse for greatness.

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