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"Oh, I'm sorry! I just fell out of the sky, structured a helicopter in midair, burst into flames halfway down, and barely survived. But by all means, let's talk about your dining table!"

That my friends, is how Caleo emerged. Caleo is the ship between Leo Valdez and Calypso. Fire and Magic. She is Grace. He is humor. She is peaceful. He is anything but that.

"Hey, Sunshine! I'm right here, you know."
"Do not call me Sunshine! Get out of that hole and come with me now so I can get you off my island!"



Heya! This is nandroid1611 I absolutely love PJO HoO and THG, I'm a girl. My OTP's are Percabeth, Solangelo, Shirbert, Everlark, and best for last - Caleo! My fav movie series are- Anne with an 'e', Greenhouse Academy, and ASOUE. I love reading, art, graphic designing, and fangirling!


Hi! I'm RougeNinja12 but people just call me Anna. I'm a professional fangirl with a master's degree in sleeping, hating on P.E class, and finding random memes on the internet. My OTP's are Percabeth, Jeyna, and Caleo!!


I'm SeaSiren16.I love reading, art and, obviously, fangirling. I'm obsessed with the Riordianverse! Caleo is one of my favorite ships and I will murder anyone who says Calypso is a self-absorbed brat because she liked Percy.


Hi! I'm TvT_ShadowFox_TvT, but I go by Shadow. I like reading, listening to music, drawing, and being on Wattpad. I love PJO, HOO, and TOA. I have a lot of fandoms, including the riordanverse, Avatar the Last Airbender, Harry Potter, Hamilton, and much more! My main PJO/HOO OTPS are Percabeth and Caleo. My main PJO/HOO brOTPS (my "friend-ships" that I think would be great friends) are Nico & Reyna, Percy & Piper, Frank & Annabeth, and Jason & Percy


Hi! I'm Bookfunreader123! But people just call me Skye. I'm a fangirl and my fandoms are Harry Potter, hunger games, divergent, maze runner, and of course Percy Jackson. My OTP's are Percabeth, Solangelo, Caleo, and all the cannon ships that you can think of from my favorite books.

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