General info

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Name: samuel gownson
Homeworld: pinkaria
Age at start of series: 16
Sexuality: heterosexual
Gender: male
Mother: Amanda gownson
Father: Harold gownson
Year at red fountain: freshman
Weapon: a pink broad sword made special for him
Breif history: sam grew up a fairly normal pinkarian, however unlike most pinkarian boys his fathers heritage made him capable of being more active and stronger arguably then his peers. His mother is a member of the pink nails assassin/secret agent force of pinkaria, his dad is a calvalria knight turned pinkarian ambassador (calvalria is a planet of the paladins, the home of the original magical warriors). Ever since sam was young he wished to be a specialist to help fight for his kingdom something zack has admired about him unendingly. Up untill he found his steady girlfriend and soulmate daisy moralles vega he was a magnet for girls because of how kind respectful and empathetic to them he is. 
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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2021 ⏰

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