the nerd

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I was supposed to publish a chapter tomorrow but right now is boring so i had to do a chapter promise this is last one and ill update on thursday mweeheheheh

So yeah my broke ass mind said i should do this chapter smut

but my other self said i should do this  chapter angst

but my heart said i should do this chapter fluff

so what do you all want?

oh fluff? you want fluff?

Okayy here we go

Enjoy everybody !!

love you all mwuahhh

Jungkook's P.o.v

"Uhm sorry maam im late" i said kinda embarass

"this is the first warning mr jeon, go to your seat now" Ms. Min  said and i nodded before going to my seat

Well i didnt introduce myself properly right? My name is Jeon Jungkook 22 years old and obviously im a nerd yes you heard that right im a nerd i have no friends except for my 2 bott-- bestfriends yoongi hyung and seokjin hyung

As the teacher discussed and i was focusing because test will be in maybe next week

then someone threw a piece of paper to me i look at the direction where the paper come from and saw kim taehyung  laughing silently with his friends

arghhh can you believe how much i hate that guy? I really hate him

I was about to throw the paper back but--

"Mr jeon,Stand up" i heard Mrs Lee said

"M-maam it was--

" i dont wanna hear any excuses mr jeon i clearly saw you so as for the punishment,......clean this room after class is that clear? She said i nodded

"now  i dont want anyone disturbing my class is that clear to everyone?" She announced

all of the students said "yes maam" in sync

"sit down now mr jeon and focus" she said i nodded and sit down

she returned to discussed now

I look at taehyung with dead eyes but all he could do his laugh and whisper


i swear i can kill this guy in no time arghh

i just ignored him and just started listening to the prof infront

Few minutes later ~

"Okay see you all tomorrow remember to review all of the topic and be prepared for the upcoming test next week is that clear to all?"

"Yes Maam" the students said

"okay jungkook clean this room then go home okay?" She said

i nodded at her

"Class dismissed now!" she said and left the room

i started to clean my stuff

"hey kookie? Not going with us?" Yoongi hyung ask i shake my head 'no'

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