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The names Tyreesha, if you don't know me...in a day you will know my endz, famo maybe even where i jam sometimes. Well am black obviously braaap; am Jamaican and American. I  moved from America when i was 14, basically i was involved in a lot of gangs and made p nearly everyday, except now i live in Peckham and 15 years of age, i haven't changed one bit i think i may be worse but ahh well, am styll involved in gangs and styll making p. I live with my mom, stepdad and stepsister shes 15. I hardly stay at yard cah am usually out jamming with my mandems and yes you are hearing rite, i jamm with mandems when girls look at me their  quick to judge fnking dat am a sket,bosh,jersey, slut whateva you wanna call it but na me and them are bare close, my main ones are Tyrese:  mixrace, hes Egyptian and English, hes like my brother, known him for a year now, then there is Latrell: hes American, Tyrell Tyrese's brother (their twins), Dwayne: Nigerian (Yuroba), Romeo: Dominican, dark, KayJay but we call him Jay/Kay these are my dons but Tyrell, Tyrese are my ride or dies cah we've know each other for bare long.

Basically at the moment me and Tyrese are running from the feds cah this stupid ass Negro for that we should go on a robbing spree, and the house we robbed was some sme next posh house Eltham, yep he wanted to trek all tha way here from Peckham for dat, stupid rassclart house, we jacked bares doe, i guess you thinking where does the feds come in to this well Tyrese made so much noise in the house and took his time to get his tings KMT and then some next alarm ting went off, by the time we was coming out the feds were a street away rahhtid allow dis man i can't afford to get shifted again my marj would kill me no lie, she alreadii got enough on her plate with her studies and looking out for Charlene, shes the biggest sket/bosh/jersey around endz she been beating manz she was 12 jus P she baitly beat over 20mandems, she gon regret it later on when she gets sme next STI. The amount of times i have warned this girl, i can't be arsed anymore leave her and her bucket innit lol, glad to say that we not blood related lol.

I was panting so hard because we've been running for bare long about 5minutes loool but well am unfit soo its bare long for me lol.

Tyreesha: Tyrese man you nearly got us caught didn't i tell you i can't get shifted again?

Tyrese: but you didn't so be happy innit

Tyreesha: shithead

Tyrese: dickhead

We kept cussing each otha for time till i couldn't fink of anything to say, this boii always won KMT

I belled Tyrell cah manz had a whip innit, n told him to be here in 10mins den locked off

Tyresha: what did you get?

Tyrese: lots of jewellery, p you?

Tyresha: got p and iphone

Tyrese: jacked d iphone is mine now

He started running away is dis boii dumb dat iphone is mine, i started running afta him but didn't catch him i was outa breath so he stopped and started creasing

Tyrese: you unfit shiit hahahaha

Tyresha: suck my toe man dickhead

He still stood there creasing, i got annoyed then i fly kicked him he landed on the floor with a thud (i have a black belt in martial arts dad made me take it in America) i started creasing at his face cah he was bare shocked, then i started running away, am no pussio yeh but when it cme to him jheez dis boii could easily fuck me up.

Tyrese: Reesha man why you get all Jackie Chan on me watch when i catch you...

Reesha: ohh am so sacred

Really i was scared shitless lool, i saw Latrell's whip pulling up den start walking to the car i sat at the front and looked outside and Tyrese was limping haha. I got in the black car with tinted windows i was the only one that didn't have a whipL, give me my iphone man llow me Ty? I asked him nicely, it's not that i didn't have a phone i had two bb's bold and a curve and now an iphone yhyh!!

Latrell: ayy man why you limping for, lemme guess Reesha Jackie chan'd you init, he started laughing at him i wanted to laugh but Tyrese gave me sme emosh screw face, if looks could kill i would ave been dead boii. He gave me some look meaning imam get you later on...now i know not to stay away from him lol. The music started playing and i sat der skanking we soon got my yard and i walked off afta giving Latrell a hug, i opened my door and stepdad is sitting there on the stairs, where the fuck ave you been Reesha, its 2 in the fuckin morning?? He started screaming in my face, "don't fuckin shout in my face like your my dad, fcking dickhead whu do you think you are?? One hard slap connected to my face and i stumbled back from the shock then gained my balance and punched this nigga in his face, he looked at me like he was going to kill me i ran for my kitchen and tried to close the door but he obviously he was stronger than me so i ran for a shank "come any closer and i'll shank your blick ass" he stepped away looking defeated, he comes out the kitchen and goes somewhere i don't care, i put the knife away and walk upstairs to my room, i try ringing my marj but her phones switched off, guessing she switched it off cah she doing night shifts yet again, i get to my room and put the lock on, walk to my en-suite and decide to have a shower, have a shower, cream myself with kylie monogues body lotion dat is piff jheez, put on my betty boop silk shorts and tank top, i just cloked i aint eaten yet, i go back downstairs and make myself some food, jerk chicken and rice Jamaican style jheez so chooong, the chicken went in my mouth and came out demolished looooool. I put my dishes in the dish washer and went up stairs to sleep, as soon as i hit my bed i fell asleep.

My phone started ringing maino forget about him was playing i loved off that song, whu the fuck is belling me up at this time, i tried ignoring it and listened to the music, then got a text from Tyrese telling me to get out of bed, i kissed my teeth and closed my eyes, then it started ringing again, i answered it feeling annoyed" what man??" you got school una you got 30mins am cming to pick you up if your not ready by then am leavin you to get the bus, the journey to my school was long, i locked off and went to have a bath, cme out afta 5mins, and started getting readii, put my yellow lacy bra and my knickers, got my black boy trousers they wer bare baggy just how i liked them, put my blue polo top on, we wear black and blue at my school, got my black and blue nike high tops, hmmmm what to do with my hair, my hair is bare goes past my boobs its baree long truss me, ( n girls don't be thinkin it weave it's all natural lol so don't be hating) my hair was dark brown with blond strips at the end it( dyed the endz blond) looked choong i combed it out and left it down, i put on mascara, eye liner and lip gloss called lippy it taste like bubble gum and stays on for bare long soo no dry lips i got it from America, i get all my make up from there and some other stuff my dad send me the latest clothes, high tops and krepz der and also make up of course, i don't need foundation because my face is clear. I took a look in the mirror looking at myself thorough my green eyes. i looked on point boii jheez even doe am onlii going school cloked i went wearing any earnings so i got my juicy hoops from America, got my just do it back and grabbed my necessities, which included, money, and my make-up tingz just in time Tyrese belled my line so i went downstairs, and came out my house, i saw Tyrese's whip and went inside the car and my stomach started rumbling, Tyrese started laughing at me and told me to look in tha back and saw a bag, looked inside and there was food from greggs i got bare happy looked inside and saw my steak bake i loved off this it was my favourite. Looked in the other bag and there was oasis summer fruits, "Reesha llow it man you knw dats my favourite, you bess not drink it" Ty sed to me pleadingly, i drank it anyway and told him am gonna get him one afta.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2011 ⏰

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