A Tale of Two Sisters

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Tamaran is a lush tropical planet, where the air is sweet, and the skies shimmered with a golden glow. It was also home to the remarkable race known as the Tamaraneans.

Tamaraneans are beautiful, golden skinned, humanoids, known for their tough skin and strong bodies. And of course, their fiery red hair.

Tamaraneans are often led by their emotions, especially their passion for love. It was told by the great goddess X'Hal, that love helped feed Tamara's vegetation that thrived the planet.

It was also believed that the goddess X'Hal was the one who gifted the people of Tamaran with the power to convert ultraviolet radiation into the ability of flight.

The tale begins with a young couple who were madly in love. King Myand'r and Queen Luand'r were betrothed since before they were born. The arranged marriage forced the two to spend many of their days together, where a friendship formed, and later a romance. The love of the King and Queen flourished the kingdom, and love and happiness was felt throughout the land. With that love the happy couple conceived a baby.

But complications occurred. The Queen was oddly ill throughout the pregnancy. She became very weak, and was unable to leave her room in the castle. The King never left her side, fearing something might happen in his absence.

Then, on a stormy night the Queen went into premature labor.

Hours and hours went by with no progress. The Queen was in agony, and already extremely weak. The fear that she might not make it through alive gripped the kingdom.

But then, just like that... there was the sound of crying... a baby crying.

The King and Queen were rejoiced to have gotten through this ordeal, and couldn't wait to see their new baby daughter. However, that all faded as they looked at the doctor's concerned expression, as he stared upon their newborn. And it seemed his expression was justified as they looked upon their child, gasping at the infant's drastic features.

Her hair was black as night, something unknown to Tamaraneans. Her skin lacked its golden hue and seemed faded, as if drained of its color. Her green eyes seemed dull and lacked any vibrancy.

The new princess's features were alarming, but the King and Queen loved her nevertheless and named her Komand'r. But even though the King and Queen found it impossible not to love their own child. Her appearance alarmed the Tamaranean people and left them with uneasiness, and fear. Her skin was not the only thing that made people uneasy with the new princess. For that same day the Citadel Empire destroyed the western city of Kysarr, killing three thousand citizens in her name. And though she had no fault in this she would for all time be inextricably connected with that terrible day.

It saddened the King and Queen at how their people shunned their daughter, and they only hoped that the rejection wouldn't have a lasting effect on her future.

By the age of two, the King and Queen could see that it wasn't just Komand'r's appearance that was different, but her behavior as well. She was bitter and quiet, and seemed to lack compassion for anyone or thing. Her coldness and hatred didn't help how the people saw her.

So, the King and Queen decided it was best to keep her hidden within the castle. It wasn't long after that did the Queen find out she was pregnant once again.

Unlike the Queen's first pregnancy, that seemed to drain her with each day that passed, this one seemed to rejuvenate her. Any sickness she felt didn't last long, it certainly didn't last the whole pregnancy like the first time.

And then one morning, as the sun began to rise over the horizon, the Queen gave birth to their second daughter.

Princess Koriand'r was the epitome of optimism and beauty. Her skin glowed vibrantly. Her lush soft hair shined a bright red. Her green eyes glowed bright with cheer. And her soft smile was bubbly with emotion.

A tale of two sisters.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin