"My name is Y/N"

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You roamed around your Victorian mansion, you were very rich and the most famous family of all. You were part of the Scarlet Family, You were the youngest being 18, but that came to an end, you see, you were murdered in cold blood by your father, he shot you with a gun and then killed the rest of your family then killing himself. Your mansion was located in the woods and your maid..well...used to be maid..went to go grocery shopping for food until the "incident".

You were minding your own business until you heard a bang at your mansion's entrance door, you went to go see until you see a group of...murderers? you were confused why they were here, there was a girl drenched in blood, a man with pins, a living doll?, a man with a hockey mask, a burnt man, a nicely dressed man, and a tall man with a Halloween mask. You wanted them to stay because you were lonely and so you watched them.

"This place is hella nice!" said the living doll as he dragged his shoes on the carpet, "I wonder what happened here..." said the girl in blood, "I'm not sure carrie...but I smell blood somewhere" said the man with pins, and now you learned the girls name,

'...carrie...what a lovely name'

"WHO SAID THAT?!" said the burnt man, you realized that you spoke too loud and said,

"I'm sorry! dont hurt me!"

you flew into your room which were down a hall and slammed it, you looked around and remembered that the cops didn't clean the crime scene nor your body and so you flew into the closet that your body layed in and slammed the door. Eventually they found the door you were hiding in and opened it, you heard their voices get closer and closer

"oh GOD, this room is drenched in blood!"

"calm down Freddy, hey um we are not here to hurt you!"

"shut up carrie, of COURSE we'll hurt them!"

you whimpered, which caught their attention, carrie open the closet door, and in front of her was a ghost boy/girl (if your a boy, your in a suit, if your a girl , your in a black dress)

"hi!" said carrie in a smooth voice

"what happened to you? you don't have to answer" she backed away as you flew out of the closet as the slasher watched in amaze.

"Hello, my name is Y/N, I am 18 and I was murdered in cold blood, who are you?"

the slashers looked sad but kept their sadistic faces

"oh..well i'm Carrie and this is Freddy, Jason,chucky, pinhead, Hannibal, and Micheal"

they all just slighty waved and started to explain themselves, you started to like them, and hoped they would stay...

to be continued...

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