Dark Suspicion

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Thunder cracked through the air with the boom of a thousand whips. The rain was just starting to roll in as Jack burst through the doors of his family farm house. He looked around screaming the names of his wife and son only to be greeted with deafening silence of the homestead. He went from room to room until he found them. Their bodies lay limp next to his son's crib, riddled with bullet holes. The horse is whined outside as the sky roared its ferocious song down onto the land. Jack fell to his knees in the doorway and wept into his gloved hands. He held their ragged bodies in his arms for what seemed like years, their blood staining his clothes as he cried.

"Damn you god! Why them?! Why them. . ."
he buried their bodies in the backyard of the home, leaving a third hole next to theirs, the rain poured in and turned the soil to mud. The water fell from the brim of his hat and rings on the barrels of his guns. The proud bounty hunter had been tracking his old partner for months, after he shot a civilian family during a hunt. Only if he knew the next victims of Sean's gun would be his own. Jack looks up to the sky and cursed it to hell, letting out one more pain scream into the dark clouds above. A jack threw the shovel down and turned his back to his late wife and son, clenched his hand into a mighty fist, and began towards his horse.

"I will make this right." he said as he mounted his dark stallion. With one last look to the newly dug graves of his wife and son, he bolts it down the drive, following the deep muddy footprints of a horse that wasn't his own. he snapped the rains on the horse's neck and began to follow the trail. The trees leaned and cracked under the immense force of the wind and rain. The cold air whipped and stung his face as he pursued his old friend.

it wasn't long before he found an old abandoned homestead near the main road, it's Windows grown with life. But not for much longer. Jacket is mounted and went to the closet closest window, peering in to see who was inside. And there he was, Sean was sitting in the dining room of the house, a smug look on his face as he ate some vegetables from a can, his boots propped up on the table. Jack took aim, and with a shout he said,

"You have 10 seconds to get out here before I feel you full of holes Mr Wesley!"

Jack beat on the door and then returns to the window. he aimed his sidearm at Sean through the window, watching him scurry around the room grabbing things.

" Mr Wesley, outside, now!!"

"I'm comin' "

That was a lie.
Sean began to aim his shotgun at the door.
          ***Bang bang***

Jack shot him twice in the leg and arm. Sean let out a shot at the roof and stumbled for the back door. Lightning cracked as he opened the door and--


Jack let out another shot into the small of his back, causing him to fall into the backyard with a loud thud. Jack rounded the building and found Sean crawling slowly through the mud. As he approached, Sean aimed hisown sidearm at Jack. And with a hard kick Jack kicked it away and then stomped onto his hand.Sean, who is now on his back looking up at Jack, held his hands up in front of him.

"What do you want? Money? Gold?! I'll pay!"

he frantically tried to bargain with Jack, who stood over him silently, his gun aimed at and steady. The rain had only seen before heavier, turning all the soil to mud and drenched the two men.

"Who are you?" Sean asked, his breath shaking. Jack lifted his head which was now shown from the light of the homestead.

"Jack?!" Sean's expression and tone went from scared to smug, and almost happy.

"You upset about your little family? I told you not to get in my way, now look who paid the price?"

He laughed at pained laugh.

"They didn't deserve this. " Jack said quietly.
"What was that, I didn't quite hear you over the rain. "
" They didn't deserve this!!! " Jack's cry flooded the forest like a tsunami.

"No one deserves anything-- *cough cough* -- but that doesn't stop things from happening."

"Just like you don't have to kill me, I know you Jack, you won't kill me. Your honor is too important to you. You're just going to turn me in, use the money to buy some nice coffins."

Jack tilted his head back down, the water pouring from his broom again.

"There is no need for honor if you aren't alive to live with it."

"Wait you--"

Sean realize what Jack meant by that.

"You see, in life, there are only the pursuit, the pursuing, the busy, and the tired. Now, I'm really tired. One less hunt, right?"

Jack sobbs quietly as he took a step closer. As Jack approached him his face went from a smirk to unbridled horror.

"N-now Jack, you don't have to do this, there's much more to do and people to hunt! Right?!"

"The worst kind of enemy, is one with nothing to lose. And you, have made one."

Jack and decide on back to Sean, squeezing the grip, his knuckles whiter than white.

"No Jack! No!"

"Goodbye, Mr Wesley"



as the shot fired, the sky screamed back with the echo and thunder. It was done.

Jack returned home,The corpse of Sean left to the animals. He pulled flowers from his garden, bundled them up, and placed them on his wife's grave. He said his prayer and stood up, looking down at the disturbed Earth. He then stood in front of the third hole, looking down into it. He turned his back to it and pulled his gun from it's holster. He looked up to the sky, closed his eyes and said,

"I'm comin' home honey."

He lifted the gun to his head and--


His newly linked body fell into the hole. And the clouds started apart.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2021 ⏰

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