The nerd 2

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so basically i want this angst huhuhu

but all of you wanted fluff so here is it

fluffy oneshot ahead mwebehhe love you all mwuahhh

fluffy oneshot ahead mwebehhe love you all mwuahhh

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the way he stare at jungkook 🤧💜

Jungkook's P.o.v

After the dance i went straight to mila

"yah! Mila why did you left me their?" I quickly ask her

"shh oppa go to taehyung im having some alone time with my ...... future husband" he whisper to me then smirk

"This girl you owe me a box of banana milk tomorrow okay?" I said

"okay okay i can give you a truck full of banana milk go now, we were just about to kiss but you interupt us" she said and rolled his eyes

before sipping her alcohol

aish this girl really likes to drink and flirt as well

i left now and go to taehyung

"jungkook, come here" Taehyung said and dragged me to the balcony

(just pretend the school has a balcony etc 🥺🔪)

We watch the stars above it was silent but taehyung broke it

"you know..." he started i look at him ready to listen to him

"im really sorry of making fun of you everyday" he said i look at him and smiled and mumbled a small "its okay"

"I just wanted to make you laugh like how Mingyu make you laugh everytime he tells you something but all i do is make you mad everyday"

He said which made me shocked

"i just wish i could be the guy who makes you smile,makes you happy and laugh everyday..."

"I wish i could be that guy but what happened? Mingyu already did that and successfully he made you happy jungkook"he said and smiled a bit

"but that doesnt matter as long as youre happy and i can be happy too" he said his tears was about to drop but i quickly wipe it away

"mingyu didnt do it all..."i said he look at me confused

"yes he makes me smile and happy but this..." i said then pointed to my heart

"This beats for someone else..."

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