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The brunette sat on the kitchen floor,sitting up against the wall,bouncing the small child on her lap,skimming through the latest news. Katsuki was at work,and left Violet with their 3 month old babygirl. It was the first time he had been to work,ever since they'd added a 3rd member to the Bakugou family. Violet was nervous. She knew how being a pro hero was,she was one for two years. Up until her and Bakugou got married,then for a year she wasn't on patrol anymore,due to her wanting to get ready to start a family. She knew it would be scary,and Bakugou may or may not come home- but she needed to stop thinking about that. He's strong enough. He can take care of himself. Besides. He'd never leave Her or Kyoumi behind,so she had nothing to worry about,just when she saw the headline.

[ibc]A Nomu has attacked,leaving 6 pro heroes injured and 2 dead.

The brunette blinked a couple times before anxiously dialing her husbands number,she was shaking so bad she could barely hold the thing. Kyoumi looked up at her worried mother,then giggled as she took the phone from her mother's hands,trying to get her mother to smile. She looked sad,and Kyoumi didn't like sad. The brunette mustered up a small smile,taking the phone from her daughter. "Mama needs that,alright?" She kissed her forehead,dialing his number. That girl always new how to make her smile. Even if Katsuki was gone,she promised herself to take care of their child and make sure she was always happy. No matter what. Violet nervously pressed the call button,sliding it up to her ear. It rang,before it had stopped and went to voicemail. The brunette gulped,holding the small child close to her chest. "It's ok.... maybe he just can't answer his phone right now.. we should check the hospital though." She got up,Kyo clinging to her chest. As she ran to the door,she heard the door unlock. She felt her heart drop to her stomach. There's no way he was alive?? Was that Kirishima,coming into to tell her the news? She whimpered,before heading to the door. Soon,The blonde walked into the room,smiling softly upon seeing his beautiful girls. "Ahh,I've been looking forward to this all day."

the brunette looked up,her eyes widening. She bolted over to him,holding their child close to her chest. "Katsuki!! Your okay!!" She squealed,hugging him tightly. The blonde chuckled,kissing her head,then Kyoumi's. "You didn't think I could make it? Oh please,Violet. Come on. I'm katsuki fucking Bakugou. I make it through any thing.." the brunette giggled,reaching up to his his lips. "Hey. Don't cuss in front of the baby.. but I'm glad your home and safe. I know your so strong,but I just didn't want you to get hurt. I heard there was a bad attack.. and I got so scared that you were gone,and you-" the brunette stammered,tears falling down her green eyes. The blonde grabbed onto her chin gently,making her look into his eyes. "Hey. I'm never going to leave you,okay? Your stuck with me." The brunette smiled,before the male kissed her lips deeply,the brunette kissing his lips back. "I'm glad your back home."

"I'm glad to be home Vivi."

One shots!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ