You'd Never Expect It

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He walked into the bar dressed like an office worker. Everyone looked at him, few people laughing quietly. "You sure you're in the right place man?" The man kept walking, "Yes." He sat at the bar and ordered a scotch. He quietly ordered a round for the entire bar. No one was aware it was him. One of the many people walked up to him and began asking questions. 

He answered each one with a short answer. He soon began telling a story. By the end of the conversation there was only one question. "Who have you killed though?" The man checked his watch and smiled.

"The lot of you. Hope you enjoyed the round."

People slowly started falling around them.

"The name is Alec by the way."

Alec walked out and the man he was talking to fell. He walked out with a smile. He began humming and walked away from the bar.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2021 ⏰

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