how to annoy people

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I know how to annoy people. Do you? Muahahahah.

~~~~~How to annoy zeb~~~~~

1. Fight with chopper while he's sleeping.

2. Remind him how I saved his life.

3. Talk in the inquisitor's

4. Mess up his food.

~~~~How to annoy sabine~~~~~

1. Yell when she's painting

2. Sit in her seat that she painted

3. Mess but her paint set.

4. Flirt with her (do that anyways)

~~~~ How to annoy hera~~~~~

1. Fight with chopper or zeb

2. Break the ship. (Caution)

3. Ask to drive the ship

~~~~~ How to annoy KANAN!~~~~~
1. ask why til he yells

2 . Fight with zeb mostly

3.  Mess up during training

4. go into his room while he's not there

(Learned that the hard way)

5. Not knocking

6. Be late for training

7. Go wrong on a mission

Wow kanan is annoyed easily

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