Broken Without You

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Before we begin, this AU story was inspired by IWriteByNight's story 'The Way We Were' (chapter 25 part 1) in her EdSer One-Shot. Please check it out! It is amazing! It was written before she wrote chapter two. So this is my version of where she left off. Of course, this can also be read as a stand-alone. Just some notes - The story takes place 6 months after episode 29 and Eda had decided to move to London immediately following Serkan and Seline's engagement to get away from her heartache. Immediately following her move to London, she confirms what she suspects before leaving Istanbul, and that is she is 2 months pregnant. 

** 6 months later **

Art Life now has two offices. Eda had established the London office with Ferit, Ceren, and Melo by her side, while Serkan, Selin, Engin & Piril operated out of Istanbul. After the initial project that brought her to London was completed, other recommended clients came in requesting Eda's help. So Eda remained in London, hoping the distance would mend her broken heart.

Most projects remained separate but occasionally the bigger projects would be shared between the two offices. During those shared projects Eda would only meet with Engin and Piril even though Serkan would be invited to all meetings. Serkan initially made excuses not to attend the meetings but after the first month, the team understood the MO and stopped asking him to join. Although he never attended their meetings, he would pour himself into any shared projects the two offices worked on. He didn't want to admit it but he realized working on projects with her, even indirectly, calmed the storm inside him and made him feel better.

Throughout the six months, since she left, Serkan often had flashes of his old life with Eda but the full picture was still hazy. He felt scared of losing himself but at the same time, he no longer felt quite as comfortable in his own skin anymore. This internal battle confused him so he decided to keep his distance from Eda as much as possible. And with Eda not in his everyday life, he felt no rush to keep the charade up with Selin. He appreciated her aiding him back to health after his accident, but he could not deny the fact that he felt no love for her. Although they got engaged rather quickly, the wedding never materialized. Whenever Selin brought up the wedding, Serkan would make an excuse about work to push the planning off. Selin saw how Serkan hung onto work more than ever after Eda moved to London. But she didn't mind since Eda was no longer physically in the picture. Her only goal now was to push her out of the company and get her shares back.


By now, Eda was 8 months pregnant. She had kept her pregnancy a secret from the Istanbul team because she didn't want Serkan to find out about the baby. Serkan made it clear the night he proposed to Selin that he wanted nothing to do with her anymore. He was determined to chase her away and keep Eda a stranger. So Eda did what she thought was best to protect her heart and her baby and that was to keep this information from Serkan.

With the baby due next month, Eda had to start planning for the baby's arrival. She wanted to take 3-months maternity leave. Plus, she realized being a new mom will not be easy and will require a more flexible schedule. She accounted for possible unexpected time off and knew she needed Engin and Piril's support to keep any suspicions from Serkan about her new schedule. Plus there was the ongoing shared project that got pushed out. She felt it was best to share the truth with Engin and Piril, who have always been supportive partners.

"NE?! Wow, Eda. I .... don't know what to say." Engin replying in shock after Eda revealed her secret.

Piril quickly did the math in her head and chimed in, "Umm ... Eda dear .... I hope I'm not overstepping here ... but if you're due next month, then that means you were pregnant before the accident. Does that mean... Serkan .... is the father?!"

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