Chapter 1- The Boy

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POV- Maggie Oliva

I never really believed in all that cheesy love stuff at least not in a romantic way I mean like I love my family, my friends and God but papa always said that there is enough love in the family that I didn't need a boyfriend. Mama thought so to.

I never really thought of myself as attractive. But I'm not ugly either. I've never really had to have a boyfriend. One reason is because love is same no matter who you show it to. Right?! No? well either way you cant miss what you don't have. Right?

Ok well maybe you can either way all I know is that I don't need some dude to act like he loves me and then smash me to bits. Especially after what happened. I still cant believe what happened. Its like every time I think I've recovered it just hits me like a ton of bricks and I'm back at the beginning. But I most of the time I just push it down so deep I almost forget it happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2021 ⏰

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