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            It was too late. She was going to lose him now. Fear gripped her tightly as Vision urged her to turn to him and destroy the mind stone embedded in his forehead, the very thing that gave him life. Her stomach churned as she tried to accept her role in his impending death. Before she gave in to his wishes for her to destroy it, lest Thanos get past her and take it, she sent one final plea to the universe, to anyone listening to her heart cry out in pain to come help her.

Tears blurred her vision as she felt power flow between her fingertips, Vision guiding her hand towards his forehead. "I just feel you." the words cut like a knife, no matter they were meant to assuage her guilt, her worries, her pain at the very thought of causing him such pain and utterly destroying him alongside the mind stone. As she attempted to steady herself, plant her feet, she swore a voice answered her. "I am coming." it said, " You will not go through this alone." She wished it was real, though the logical part of her knew it was her own voice, a figment of her imagination responding to her.

She felt as though the red mist around her fingers burned her now, as it swirled in the air, reaching for the stone. Even now, she still only felt him within it. She knew she would not survive this, even should they find victory. For she was nothing more than a weapon anymore, a weapon that would cause the destruction of one of the last people that cared for her, wanted her. Her love. Before she could truly send the mist digging into the stone to begin ripping it to shreds she felt the presence of the voice in her head, putting pressure on her impulse to simply grab his hand and run instead. Her eyes never strayed from his own and she could feel that he could feel the pressure building in her mind, even as he began to slowly withdraw the connections between their minds. It was dreadful, breaking the bridge between their minds, but it must be done before true destruction and pain infected his system.

"Stop. run." The voice that sounded like Wanda told them at the same time through her mind, "Go, I will deal with the mess here."

"Wanda." He tried to convey enough in the two syllables. She needed to focus and this other voice was not going to help her do that.

"I said go. I'll handle this." The voice was real this time as it spoke aloud. Instinctually Vision pulled her to him and they both dumbly stared as red mists swirled and converged together into the shape of a woman. Quickly she began tangible and Wanda was not the only one who couldn't believe her eyes. This woman, whose voice was her own in her head, looked like her too. A second Wanda Maximoff stood protectively in front of them. She wore a crown of wire and beads, almost in the shape of an M cradling her face.

"What?" Wanda's voice was a stunned whisper, but the new Wanda didn't answer her. Instead her eyes glowed red and her hands filled with red as she turned her attention to Thanos. Her lips quirked up slightly at his amusement, he thought she would be no match for him, no matter who she was or where she came from.

As she advanced forwards towards a battle, Wanda's grip on Vision tightened and she quickly pulled him with her, stumbling away from where Thanos was to hopefully find refuge while the girl who looked like she did duked it out with the mad Titan. "Wanda, " he tried to reason, "we must still destroy the stone."

"No." she refused, her hands cupping his face gently, "She's got it. I refuse to destroy you until the moment I am no longer certain that she will protect you."

Red blasts surged from delicate hands, powerful, strong and in quick succession they painfully knocked Thanos back and threw off his balance. "Ahhhh!" His scream filled the air as she relentlessly attacked, nothing and no one holding her back. The Avengers sagged against trees and dirt as they watched in disbelief. His feet left the ground as she lifted him into the air as she started to simply crush him with his own armor. "Polaris." she commanded in a single word and another woman stepped from red mist once more with green in her hair and at her fingers. They could only watch as green surrounded the gauntlet too then as she used her own powers to rip it right out of his grasp.

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