cabin fever •

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Its been about three months into quarantine and I've been stuck at home basically alone since its just me and my mom, My best friend Isabel only lives about 20 minutes away though its seems so much further now.
With the whole TikTok hype thing going on i feel i like i see her everywhere, everywhere but here.
I sit alone in my room gathering my thoughts when something in me just snapped, "fuck it" i whispered to myself as i got up and grabbed an old bag from my closet along with about a weeks worth of clothes. I take a deep breath before opening the door to my bedroom, I walk down the stairs not seeing my mom so i just assumed she was sleeping. I grabbed a pen and some random scrap of paper "Going to Isabel's for a bit" I grabbed my car keys and walked out the door.
Once i was settled in my car and pulling out of the driveway i started thinking to myself how i was gonna surprise Isabel.

*small time skip*
Once i was about ten minutes away i pulled in to the nearest Starbucks and got into the drive through line pulling out my phone.
"you busy?"
after only a few seconds i get a reply
"not at all :) why?"
i don't answer, i notice its my turn and pull up to the speaker and order Isabel and i's usual. After the quick interaction with the employees i'm back on the road starting to feel anxious about seeing her, i just brush off my thoughts and keep driving.

After what felt like forever i pull onto her street and park outside the Jones house, i sit in my car for another minute or so still trying to collect my thoughts why am i so nervous yet i knew exactly why.
"fuck it" the words leave my mouth for the second time, i grab the drinks and walk up to the door, ringing the bell, I wait eagerly as i hear footsteps approaching.

The door opens and conveniently its Isabel with a shocked expression, "hey" i say nonchalantly trying to suppress a smile, she just stands there her shocked face turning into a warm smile "damn thats all i ge-" i'm cut off by a hug, well more like her throwing herself into me, i wrap my arms around her with the cups still in my hands.
She finally pulls away "You're here!" she says in a high pitched voice as I hand her the coffee, "hm i guess i am" i shrug as she giggles pulling me inside by my arm. Im greeted with the voices of the Jones siblings "Y/N!" i grin, i missed them too these people have really turned into my second family, "Wow none for us!" Adam says joking and pouts referring to the Starbucks drinks
"maybe next time geek" i say walking behind the couch ruffling his hair as if he's my own little brother, "Cmon lets go upstairs we have so much stuff to catch up on" i grin looking back at her siblings jokingly rolling my eyes "guess i'm going upstairs" i laugh following behind Isabel.

We talk about stupid things for a while when i decide to check them time, "We've been up here for nearly two hours" i say looking back up at her. "already?" she replies laughing "well we can't waste any more time" she continues standing up to grab her laptop putting on one of the shows she was telling me about. She pats the space on the bed next to her as i walk over and sit next to her and she places the computer on our laps, leaning her head on my shoulder.

Halfway through the season she sits up and presses pause i look at her confused "everything alright?" i asked concerned, she looks back at me making eye contact "you know i really missed you" i smile "nah i definitely missed you more" i laugh thinking shes just messing around when i noticed she has a look on her face, not quite serious but a gentle grin "like really missed you" i see her eyes flicker down a bit my heart starts to race, keeping eye contact i laugh softly again "i know izzy" i feel her moving closer my heart is beating out of my chest i feel like i cant breathe as much as i didn't want to admit it i needed her.

i exhale deeply and close the small gap left between us, she moves her hand to the back of my neck pulling me closer if thats even possible, she moves her lips with mine roughly her hands now tangled in my hair, soon we both slowly pull away for air our eyes meeting again "you have no idea how long i want to do that" she says through breaths, i smile leaning in again making our lips meet again in a much softer slow kiss this time. We pull away for the last time, i move the hair from her face "okay maybe you missed me a little more" she laughs softly pressing her forehead against mine intertwining our fingers, we sit like that for a while just enjoying each others company i feel my eyes start to get heavy and i lay back onto the bed pulling her onto me, she wraps an arm around my waist and lays her head on my chest as we both drift off to sleep.

uh this probably isn't good but everyone stopped writing so i thought i'd just write down the scenarios i play in my head before i go to sleep for you simps

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2021 ⏰

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