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He's drowning

He struggled to breath as he tried swimming while the strong waves of the ocean hit him, as if stopping him from trying to stay alive any longer. Wanting him dead like the rest that suffered the same fate as the others, succumbing to the waves.

"This isn't supposed to be like this" he cried to the cruel sea.

This is supposed to be a piece of paradise for him, to get away from everything, even for a few days.

He thought the alluring and calm ocean would sweep away all of his problems, as if washing away everything that made him frustrated and stressed in life. A vacation for him.

But no, the ocean is nothing but calm. It swept away everything and everyone from the ship. He saw bodies swept around in the water as if they are rag dolls that the ocean is toying with.

He feels like the sea is taunting him with the bodies, as if it is telling him that this is his fate, you can't escape. He knew that he would not escape his fate, but he would at least try to escape it, even if he knew that he wouldn't.

As his breath starts to slow down and the water entering his lungs. He could feel his subconscious slipping away from his mind.

He knew that he was succumbing to his fate, his life would end here like the rest. A puppet that would be used by the waves.

As his eyes start to close and his life is fading away from his body. He heard a voice, a voice that doesn't belong to any living being on this earth.

He felt its amusement, it seems that the creature found a new toy to play with.

As he closed his eyes, he could hear it talking to him.

"This thing will do the job"

So, yeah, this book would be much darker than my other work, A magical girl's reincarnation. There would be comedic scenes here and there but mostly this book would be filled with angst and things like that. But to compensate for the angst, instead of comedy, there would be cute fluff and stuff like that,I assure you. 

𝐓𝐨 𝐘𝐨𝐮: 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt