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Nico sat in the amphitheater. It was a little cold and he wasn't that close to the fire, but Nico didn't mind. He'd been scrunched up to (more like leaning on) Will Solace, the constantly happy son of the Sun God. The boy's skin was warm and kind of comfortable to Nico's touch.

Using Will as a pillow, Nico started to doze off. The cold air beat at him and he shivered, causing Will to move his attention towards him.

"You cold?" He asked.

Nico shook his head. He was too comfortable. He'd never admit it, of course. Nico wasn't the kind of person that liked talking about his feelings. Especially if they involved a certain son of Apollo.

"I don't believe you." He slowly pulled off the sweater that he had been wearing and handed it to Nico.

Nico blushed slightly as the bottom of Will's shirt lifted slightly up as the sweater was pulled off him, making at least an inch of skin around his waist visible. He stared at the small amount of skin until he was snapped back into reality from the feeling of something soft landing in his hands.

Nico blinked a bit and then moved his focus onto the sweater. He shouldn't have gotten distracted by something stupid like that. Stupid gay thoughts. Nico stared down at the sweater. It felt soft in his hands. Without saying anything else, he slipped on the sweater. It was huge on him. Will always bought the ones that were big on him, so he could grow into them (which was stupid logic in Nico's opinion because he was pretty sure that Will was done growing). The sweater was so large that Nico bet that Will could probably fit into the sweater with him and there still would be room. Although, he wouldn't really enjoy having Will in the same sweater as him. That would be awkward.

 "You look so cute in that!"

Nico felt his face flush. Will constantly felt the need to make Nico's face turn as red as a tomato. He never failed at it, too.

For some reason Nico had always liked sweaters. They were comfortable and soft to touch. When he was younger, his older sister, Bianca had bought him a sweater for his birthday. It was big and soft and probably had cost her all her money. But Bianca didn't care, she just wanted her little brother to be happy. Nico remembered how long Bianca had struggled to get him to take it off so she could wash it. He smiled a little. Most of the time, she was a good sister.

"You can fall asleep, y'know." Will's voice softly cut through his memory. Deciding to do so, he drifted off, snuggled up against the other boy.

As he drifted off, Nico kept thinking about what his sister would be like in her next life and where she went when she reincarnated. As the memories of her drifted him to sleep, they kept him there, as the dark ones came to him.

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