Somewhere Only We Know

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Jay stepped out of his car. For some reason he felt the need to return to Rosswood park. He didn't understand why but he followed the gut feeling that he had. And that feeling lead him here. No matter how many times Jay stared death in the face everytime he went, it never kept Jay away. And he couldn't figure out why. Maybe it has something to do with my past... Jay thought.

Jay grabbed his camera, pocket knife and extra tapes. He locked his car and walked into the woods. He had no idea what he would find but he was prepared for the worst. Jay was used to horrible things happening but it never kept Jay from searching.

Jay often wondered what it was he was searching for. He often times thought it was for answers. Other times he thought it was for his old best friend. We're they even best friends? Jay couldn't remember. All he could remember was the name Alex Kralie

Jay hasn't been to Rosswood since the accident with the masked man at night. Jay sighed and shook his head and continued to walk farther into the woods. What do I even expect to find? Maybe Tim was right... who the hell would listen to me?... his thoughts kept swimming through his head. Jay grabbed his head and sat on a log taking a break from walking. His head was starting to hurt. Jay didn't even take note of the tall, dirty blonde male who sported glasses and a striped hoodie sitting right behind him.

Why the hell am I even here? Jay wondered once again. He ran his hand through his hair as he sat his camera down next to him. He placed his elbow on his knee and sat his head in his hand and let his mind wonder. Jay couldn't remember much of his past because of memory loss but he tried hard to try and remember what drew him here besides clues to the Operator. Jays mind wondered until he remembered one memory that made Jay understand his connection with Rosswood park.

It was the beginning of autumn and the leaves had just started to change colors. Jay had just parked his car at Rosswood park. Alex had wanted to look for filming locations and to discuss somrthing. Jay put on his hoodie when he saw Alex's car pull up next to his. Jay smiled. Alex stepped out and both males walked into the woods.

"So I wanted to talk to you about something..." Alex looked back at Jay to make sure he was okay.

"What is it?" Jay asked. Alex sighed. He looked at his feet and stopped.

"Jay look, I didn't bring you out here to search for places to film. I'm dropping the project." Alex said avoiding eye contact with Jay.

"What why?!"

"Jay listen to me. This is serious. Jay you have to get away from here. There's this creature... it won't leave me alone... Jay please..." Alex spoke pinching the bridge of his nose. Alex hated showing emotion in front of people. Jay especially. He didn't want to seem weak in front of him. He wanted to be strong for Jay's sake if not for his own. Alex continued.

"I don't want you to get infected by this thing too!" Alex then looked Jay dead in the eyes. Jays eyes watered. Jay loved alex deeply but he never told Alex he was too afraid and now he was too late....

"But Alex-" Jay started to whimper and Alex cut him off.

"Jay! This could get you killed if you do not listen to me! I am trying to keep you safe!" Alex yelled slightly. If he didn't yell he would cry and he didn't want Jay to see him cry. Jay sighed.

"What about you?" Jay spoke. Alex only turned his back to Jay.

"It's too late for me. It has control of me whenever it wants. But it's not too late for you Jay." Alex's voice started to turn cold.

"Leave! Now!" Alex snapped. Jay whimpered again.

"Can I do one thing before I leave?" Jay spoke cautiously.

"Make it quick." Alex sighed and Jay walked into Alex's vision and leaned on his tip toes and kissed Alex. He pulled away after a few seconds then walked away without another word.

Jay blinked after remembering that. He rubbed his face and looked over at his camera when he heard sniffling behind him. Jay turned to see the one person he never thought he would see again. Alex. Jay now finally understood what had drawn Jay to Rosswood. It was because this was the one place him and Alex always went to. Jay stood still. He knew Alex didn't notice he was there. Well that was until he stepped on a small branch trying to leave. Jay didn't get far.

"Jay? What are you doing there?" Jay turned around like a deer in headlights and came face to face with Alex. Would Alex remember?

"I just thought I could find somrthing. I was just leaving actually..." Jay said looking at his feet. Alex sighed and studied Jay. Jay looked tired, pale, and way to thin for anyones liking which made Alex panic.

"I see. Do you always come here?" Alex wondered. He wondered if Jay still remembered kissing him. He wished he could have told Jay how he felt.

Alex stayed silent as Jay explained how he would always be drawn to Rosswood. After Jay finished Alex silently picked jay up and carries him out of the woods.

"Alex! What are you doing?!" Jay started to panic.

"I told you to leave this place but you didn't listen Jay..." Alex sighed as he kissed Jay's cheek ans put him in the passenger seat of his vehicle so he could take Jay to get something to eat. I guess Jay did remember the place that we would always go after all.... Alex thought as he smiled to himself while driving to his house.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2021 ⏰

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