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HELP so today after trying to punch a Spanish man in a basketball court for his golden Lamborghini I decided to visit this girl who is very horney yes indeed. She wants to stick her crusty finger in my noodle hole and rip it off because thats her fetish. Anyways her best chum buddy bucko pal got kidnapped by gremlin men and now i need to help her because I don't know im gonna die because there is a man in my head tap dancing to my sad life. anyWAYS i finally choke 567 gremlin men. saved her stupid hairy sack of shit man and we drive away. but on horney girls head there was only one thing. To choke herself with my 20 foot long wang winky face emoji. ANYWAYS we get to this shed house shack thing because there was sand in our eyes and we needed to sleep because you know if i sleep i can wakeup and sleep again. ANYWAYS we sit on the couch and guess what she does GUESS WHAT SHE dOES she puts her slimy toe on my new pants i ripped off some homeless man. I WAS VERY UPSET YES SO i circumcised her foot skin and suffocated her with it. lightning came out of my eyes and blew the house shack fart room out of this world. The sand stopped and turned into rocks and killed all the cactus. Her stupid ugly hairy man peach tried sucking my pee pee so my pee pee turned into a razer blade and cut off his lips so now he looks like a shit sonic oc. I spin in the air to soon drop down and brake the world. but i didnt. so i decided i was gonna hit on that guy you know that guy that guy that was actually 89 years old but looks like hes 23. That guy who wanted the guy in my head that guy. But ANYWAsy after circumcising that girls foot i head back to the city that everyone hates that is ran by stupid Japanese men who lick white girls with blue hair. I get invited to that guys boat. That guy that i want to make his back hole into a pocketbook. He said that He was making a song but we all know he wanted dickblade, He takes me into his boat and tells me to smash it with my head so you know what i do... i get brain damage of course and start a sexy SpongeBob rp. I start chocking on air attempting to release my mating call and forcefully throw him on his burning couch that was once not burning but he had beans for lunch and farted but fire came out so now his couch is on fire oops. I slap him around calling him my little pog champ and yelling Squidward and i do the sea ritual in his bussy. after that we jumped off the boat with my earth warm Jim exposed for all the fish to see and kiss. the boat exploded causing the universe to balance itself for the first time since 2600 BC. i ate the guys face and left. now i let that stupid man in my head control me and he decided to give me every std in your mums diary. after dealing with that i take away his dick privilege's and move on. luckily im a god gamer at candy crush saga.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2021 ⏰

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