A letter to my daughters. "My baby girls"

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Today and always, please know how very much i love you. Am so proud to have daughters as wonderful as you.
But my sweet girls, listen;
Don’t be spectators in the game of life...Life isn’t a dress rehearsal. I have to tell you that growing up in this world won't be easy!
You must know, the recipe of disaster is changing at a blistering pace.

Live, travel and explore the world
Embrace adventure because life is a journey.
See and learn different cultures.
Get more of yourself and experience
These experiences will enrich your heart.

My girls, if you want to party or go out with a boyfriend? Please go, but be safe and remember to get back.  Otherwise, HIV is real. Get it, it's you who will be sick, suffer the pain or die. For an early pregnancy, you'll have ruined your future. You will have the baby and start responsibilities. Me your parent, I'll just be disappointed in you. But you will regret and wish you just didn't do contrary.

Love yourself before you ever think about loving someone else. I have seen you grow. I have seen your many unique talents, brilliance and enthusiasm.
Fall in love with every single piece of yourself. You'll never be happy if you don't accept and love yourself. It's selflove that will bring the majority of your happiness and help you distinguish your strengths & weaknesses.

However, you will always have a choice between enriching your life and supporting others. Don't be egotistical but be kind. Always think of others.
With such a caring heart, you can be a positive force in people’s lives. Remember, success is measured by what you give to others.
Do for others! It's good for your soul and the world embraces more, people who see beyond themselves. Selflessness makes you more valuable.

Please. Always remember, not to lust after more than you have. Goals are fine and important, but appreciate everything you have.
Don't be like sharks that spend their all life consuming. You will never find happiness by looking for more. Life will give you everything that's yours. What's meant for you will come to you. So, if it doesn't come, then it wasn't meant for you.

Not all that glitters is gold! It might be gold plated sometimes. For real, things look shiny and perfect from the outside, but they usually aren't. Please don't lust after money and shiny things.
There is so much more to life than that!

Everyday isn’t filled with rainbows — even roses have thorns. You will need back up because you're going to fall and you will probably fall a lot. And evertime you fall, will feel like the first time.
But trust me, my baby girls, it's not just you. Everyone goes through such. Such things happen and that's just part of life. Don't let it get you down but learn how to weather the storm.

However, sometimes you'll need to quit, but quit smart! Never fear to quit one thing to get onto something better.

Believe in yourself. Everything starts and ends there. Yes, it's nice to have people supporting & rooting for you, but if you don't believe in yourself, you won't get far. You can accomplish everything you set your mind to and, believe it!

Don't drive yourself crazy with demanding schedules. Your priorities must count. The truth is, success isn’t only about doing big things. Small things count more, you don’t have to do something life changing to make a difference.
Success is the cumulative effect of doing the right little things everyday. 
However, keep it in mind their is no shortcut to success. Whoever you will see succeeding with shortcuts, is living a borrowed life.

Make yourself proud. You don't need to meet other's expectations. Just meet your own standards and live your life with integrity and honour.

Above all else, know that there isn't such a thing as, 'everything happens for a reason!' They just happen, what matters is what you, learn or make from it. In all people's stories, it's not about the ending but their journey.
So make whatever tragedy you face, a work of art than giving up.

If nothing else, please remember my love for you knows no limits. I'll always love you to the moon and back. Am so proud of the amazing women your soon to become. You always, will be my greatest accomplishments.
You are forever my babies.

Be a success.
God bless you.
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A letter to my daughters. "My baby girls"Where stories live. Discover now