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I walked into the main office where my beautiful boyfriend worked. When I got in the smell of feet and dirty toenails filled my nostrils. I took a deep breath in and moaned at the orgasmic smell, a sudden loud voice pulled me out of the trance. "Yo y/n!" I looked over at the front desk and there he stood. I smiled and ran up to the desk and I flipped both of my hands onto it. "Hi my Lewy bear" I cooed over the sexy man in front of me and I even used the nickname he hated but secretly loved. He rolled his eyes while I leaned in and pressed a kiss to his disgustingly huge wart. Before anymore words could be said between us a group of three teenagers walked into the lobby warning a groan from lewbert. I turned around on my heels and witnessed them give lewbert a look of disgust. I growled as I stomped over to them "leave my lewbert alone!" I yelped out at them as they looked at me with confused faces. The blonde one spoke up first "it's not our fault your boyfriend is a freak" I scoffed and walked closer to the girl towering over her. "You listen here young lady I will not toller-" I was cut off as the blonde girl kicked me straight in the shin. I let out a howl of pain as I fell to the floor dramatically. Lewbert of course came rushing to my side and growled at the teenagers "YOU GET OUT OF MY LOBBY!" He spat at them harshly. They gave each other amused looks before walking back to the elevator to go back to their apartment. I looked up at lewbert with tears in my eyes "I don't know if I'm going to make it lewy bear" tears were now falling from his eyes also. "Yes you will my love be strong" he cried, but alas his protest I let out one final breath before dying on lewberts arms.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2021 ⏰

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