Chapter 1

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"Hey Ellie," said Maya. "Hey Maya, how are you doing?" Asked Ellie. "Good, how are you?" Asked Maya. "Good, we should get to work at Blossom Cherries," said Ellie. "Blossom Cherries is that name of Sierra Thompson's Cherry business. "Okay, said Maya, let's take the bus." They took the bus and they were about half way there when Ellie's phone rang. She picked up. "Hi mom," she said. "Hi Ellie, where are you?" Asked Sierra. "I'm with Maya on the bus, we are almost there," Said Ellie. "Okay I'll see you soon," said Sierra. "Bye mom," said Ellie. "So tomorrow is the big cherry sale?" Asked Maya. "Yes," said Ellie excitedly. "40% off all Cherries!!" Said Ellie. " I don't mean to be rude or anything, but don't you think it would be a better idea to sell more fruits than just cherries?" Asked Maya. "I have suggested it before," said Ellie. "Has your mom ever even considered it?" Asked Maya. "Probably not, Cherries are her thing," she said as the arrived at the cherry farm. They walked up to Ellie's mom. "Hello Ellie, Maya." Said Sierra. "Hey mom," said Ellie. "Hello Mrs. Thompson," said Maya. Sierra nodded. "Shall we get to work?" Asked Sierra. "Yes we shall," chucked Ellie. "Maya grabbed a bag of cherries and started to sort them. "Mom can I talk to you?" Asked Ellie. "Sure," said Sierra. They walked off in private. "You are okay with me hanging out with Maya, right?" Asked Ellie. "Of course I am," said Sierra. "Why did you nod when she said Hello then?" Asked Ellie. "Because I already said Hello and it's weird to say Hello twice," said Sierra. "You don't like her," said Ellie. "Then why would I hire her to work at Blossom Cherries?" Asked Sierra. "Because she is my best friend and you want to make me happy," said Ellie. "Of course I want to make you happy but I also like Maya, she is nice kid El," said Sierra. "How about we get to work," said Sierra. "Okay," Ellie said. "Sorry about that Maya," said Ellie picking up some cherries. "What were you and your mom talking about?" Asked Maya. "Just some stuff about the business," Ellie responded. "El, I have been your best friend for 3 years and I know when your lying, your lying," said Maya. "Fine, I was questioning if she liked you," said Ellie. "And she said...?" Asked Maya. "She said yes," said Ellie. "Well that's... good." Said Maya. Wanna stay over for a sleepover?" Asked Ellie. "Is your mom okay with that?" Asked Maya. "I'll ask her, and you can ask your mom," said Ellie. "Okay!" Said Maya. Maya called her mom and she said yes. Ellie's mom also said yes but she wasn't happy about it secretly, but Ellie noticed she wasn't happy. "She said yes!" Said both girls said in unison. "Yay!" Said Maya. "So happy!" Said Ellie. "We should actually work first though," said Maya. "Yeah," said Ellie. After a hard day of work, Maya and Ellie went inside Ellie's house to start the sleepover. They both went into Ellie's room. "Let's have some fun," Maya said. "Yea!" Said Ellie. They read magazines and ate pizza and they also had milkshakes. "This has been the ultimate sleepover!" Said Maya, "No kidding," said Ellie holding her milkshake cup. She took a sip. Can you believe Halloween is soon?" Asked Maya. "I know! I can't wait! I'm going to be Hermione Granger form Harry Potter, what are you gonna dress up as?" Asked Ellie. "I am going to be Wonder Woman- an inspirational superhero who can do anything," said Maya. "That's cool!" Said Ellie. After the sleepover they took the bus to school and they talked in with their backpacks and binders. And then came Tanya, the most popular girl in school. "Tanya is coming towards us, she is the most popular why is she coming towards us?" asked Ellie. "I don't know," said Maya. "Hi girls," said Tanya wearing killer clothes and a brown high ponytail. "Hi Tanya," said Ellie. "What is this?" Asked Tanya dangling gross gum from under the lockers. "Gross Tanya," said Maya walking away. "Eww why are you holding gum?" Asked Ellie. "No reason," she said throwing the gross gum in Ellie's hair. She wore a hat for the rest and day until she got home. When she got home she showed Maya the gum. "Omg! She threw it in your hair!" Yelled Maya. "She is a popular girl, she can do whatever she wants," said Ellie. "That isn't true!" Said Maya. She used creamy peanut butter to get the gum out of Ellie's hair. "Thanks," said Ellie. "Anytime," said Maya. "I should get home and then I'll help my mom with some chores," Maya said. "Okay, See ya later?" Ellie asked. "You betcha." Maya said.

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