The Cry You Can't Ignore!

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Several human rights you should get,

fight for them and you won't regret.

These rights you should always fight for,

that is the only cry you can't ignore!

The right to equality and freedom of discrimination,

whatever was your skin color or your original nation.

The second right is your crucial right to learn;

to get educated and use knowledge you earn.

These rights you should always fight for,

that is the only cry you can't ignore!

Another right is to always be able to participate

in any kind of election vote or whatever debate.

Of course the freedom of opinion is the luminous light,

which keeps you able to observe in day and night.

These rights you should always fight for,

that is the only cry you can't ignore!

These rights you should fight for, without a doubt.

Come aboard rapidly, and don't miss the boat!

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