sleepy boys sleep over

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Izuku's POV

Today, like any other weekday, U.A.s cafeteria is crammed full of heroes in training.

You think I'd be used to all this hustle and bustle by now... I sigh as I stand in line for my own meal.

My friends Uraraka and Iida are talking to each other. Actually, I think they are talking to me, but their voices are loud and only add to the stressful cafeteria scene. I'm not trying to ignore them, but I can't take all the stimuli at the moment.

Without realizing it, I tense my shoulders up and curl them in towards me. I guess I am trying to make myself smaller. I also find myself looking down and covering my mouth slightly with my middle and pointer finger. I'm not sure why I do that. I should stop. Kacchan used to pick on me for it even though it's just my thinking face.

My mind is whirling with the news I received last night. The scene plays over and over in my head:

All Might waves to me as I leave my last class to walk home. Iida and Ururaka are waiting right outside the school for me. We always walk as far as we can together - it's so much fun. Nothing out of the ordinary happens until I get home. I open the door. It's unlocked since my mother is home.

My mom is at the kitchen island preparing dinner, "Hi, honey! How was your day today?"

I chuckle and answer her question, "The most shocking thing happened actually!" I pause long enough to kick my sneakers off, "Iida, the class rep, told..." I break for dramatic effect. She watches me with wide eyes and a large smile, just happy that I'm happy. " a joke! AND it was sooo funny!" Iida's laugh pops into my head.

I hear a... flush... from the hallway? Who else is here? I watch the hallway opening as the footsteps get closer. Its... ALL MIGHT? Why is he here? To hide my panicked face I bow slightly.

I hear my name in real-time and snap out of my flashback. Iida is waving his large hands in front of me.

"Huh? Oh... was I spaced out again? I'm sorry!" I raise my hand in apology.

"It is fine, Midoriya." Iida is already on to the next thing, "You have been in this state all day. Uraraka and I are worried for you."

I gasp "N-no! Iida-Kun! I assure you I'm fine!" my face is now red.

"Midoriya! Lunch is almost over! Sit down! I took the authority of preparing your lunch tray with a meal that will benefit your health the most!" Iida gestures to my tray with a karate chop.

I look down and shuffle to my seat across the table from Iida. "Thank you, Iida.. I'm sorry for causing you so much trouble.." My body is so tense. I don't think I can eat the food Iida has prepared. I will though - he did go through so much for me. Why?

"It is my job as class rep, Midoriya!" Iida grins and gives me a thumbs up. He then pats my back, "Eat!"

"F-fine!" I laugh. Chills went down my spine. Partially because I was startled, partially because it was Tenya Iida's hand.

I feel myself slipping back into the flashback, which I find super annoying. Iida is "helping" Uraraka with homework. I need the answers but I can't focus!

"Oh, sorry Inko!" All Might looks at my mom then to me, "Did I interrupt?"

I- WHAT? Inko?! Did ALL MIGHT just call my mom by her first name?

I stay bowed out of panic. I'm still trying to access the situation. Am I in trouble? Is he going to tell me more about One For All?

"Izuku?" All Might snaps his fingers. I look up slowly, scared to meet his eyes, "Why do you still have your bag? Get comfortable, kid." He laughs. It completely slipped my mind that I haven't even changed yet. I go to slip into my loose-fitting casual clothes - a mint green t-shirt and some black basketball shorts.

By the time I rejoin them in the living room, the table is set with a delicious-looking meal. My mom is in her usual spot with All Might sitting right next to her. I quietly slip into my spot right across from them. All three of us sit in silence for a good ten seconds before we all decide to break the ice. I couldn't tell what they said, but I know I blurted out "I-is something wrong?"

They understandably couldn't tell what I said either, so I look at mom for permission to speak again. She nods and gives me a closed-eyed smile.

I start back up, "Wh-what's going on?"

"Just 'cause I'm here doesn't mean somethings happening!" All Might laughs a bit. My mom shakes her head and playfully rolls her eyes. I notice she softly touches All Might's upper arm before turning to me and saying,

"Honey, we were both nervous to tell you this." My mind explores all the possibilities as she drags her words out painfully slow, "Toshinori and I have.. been on a date or two.."

Oh my GOD.

"And we have decided to begin dating.."


"..If that is okay with you," she finishes her sentence nervously. They both sit silently waiting for my response.

"THAT... IS..." So many words come to mind to describe this, but I settle on, "PLUS ULTRA!"

The lunch bell brings me back to reality.

Iida, Uraraka, and I walk back to class oddly quietly. It felt kind of eerie. Iida is the talker of our group and he is donning a concentrated face. I look up to ask what he's thinking about but Uraraka cuts me off, "Can you boys wait for me?? I need to use the girl's room!" She clasps her hands together.

Iida stops abruptly as we are at the bathroom, "Of course! We'll be right here!" Iida reassures her and she skips off.

Now that we are alone, I ask, "Wha-" but I get cut off by Iida this time. "Midoriya, I am seriously concerned for your well-being! Do you feel alright?"

I blush and rub the back of my neck. He simply stares at me with furrowed brows. This causes me to twirl the baby hairs on my neck. He touches my left shoulder causing my arm to shoot off my neck and back to my side.

"Midoriya," he says my name again. I wonder why he says it so much? I could hear him say it forever.. "As class rep, it is my duty to ensure every student in class 1A is working at their fullest capacity! But, more importantly, you are my friend and I worry for you!"

"I-I'm so sorry for making you worry.. I promise, though!" my face is burning and I feel my eyes wet. I'm okay, I really am! I just feel 'emotions' right now.

"I refuse to accept that answer Midoriya! You are crying! I have decided how I can help since you won't open up!" Iida's hand is still on my hand, "The least I can do for my best friend is make sure you get home safe!"

I twist my head, "What do you mean Iida-Kun?"

Uraraka skips up to us, "You're so silly, Deku! Iida wants to walk you home today!"

"Y-you do? Really, Iida? Are you sure? It's so far o-" I mumble to the point where Iida gets annoyed with me. He places a finger to my lips.

IIDA?! He's been touching me a lot today. Wait, that sounds nice. WAIT! I mean that sounds inappropriate! I wonder if he can feel the blood rush to my cheeks.

"Besides, I've never had a sleepover!~" Iida chirps.

🧩better together🧩 ✖️ ||todoiideku / todoroki x iida x deku||Where stories live. Discover now