Chapter 1

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Violet verses and peach,roses and blues all in  her head she wished she could have them all but sorrow as a chapter wont be close until the pain in her heart fades away.
Early that morning Natasha-chloe woke up with the slumber of the day before.she was invited to a party in kentucky by her bestie.leaving home without a word or two to anyone which left her poor mother worrying sick bout her and where she went to.she tried calling but Natasha kept ignoring and kept partying,coincidentally or should it be called"fate" as its believed to be she meets Carl,the governor'son who gets any girl he wants and all what not .
Carl is tall as a cherubim,with blunt hair and his emerald eyes made with purified gold and ash,and his lips curved like he was made by a goddess which he was created to worship solo.He captured the heart of any girl he came across especially the cheap ones that made him full of himself ,while sitting on a sofa with some of his friends he caught sight of the very beautiful Natash who was laughing and exposing her gap tooth which was made out of silk and cotton this earned her the name the Arch of the night party stealing the attention of most of the guys present at the party.He summons the courage to go talk to her hoping she'd fall like the others.
"Hello ladies how yo all doin??
They all answered and he turned and winked at chloe who snobs and leaves the place .Meanwhile the other girls just kept flirting around him and asking for his number.He leaves them in pursuit of chloe only to find her with Mylie her best friend in the whole of cosmos unfortunately for him he was stop by his friends.
"hey dude sup??looking for a prey we guess!they said in a mocking way ,he just laughed and said "hell no" and chuckled and said;
"its just a girl never seen as beautiful as that "he said that while looking around to tryina get sight of her."yo gonna get a broken kneck man before goin home"Rex said while moving away cus he knows his face gonna change its colour.
Luckily for the young man he gets a glimpse of her amidst the crowd then he decides to go for a second try this time nothing was goin to stop him this time.
"Well!well! who do we have here " walking majestically towards them ."Carl!"mylie shouted waving her hands towards her direction ."over here!" finally he gets there while having a smirk on his face as he finally gets to meet the girl he had been tryina get .
"I must confess you look stonishing t'night mylie,how've yo been??
"pretty thanks and yo too ,you dont look bad yoself "
"I 'll take that as a compliment but thanks anyways"
"well I've been ok and it seems like it for you"she said while smiling .
"yeah you right ,well am just goinno sit over there would you like to join me??"
"Oops my manners wan yo to meet my best friend chloe ,tasha for short.she chuckled.
"Hi nice meeting you tasha for short"he sent his hand to exchange greetings and she did same and blushed and the day was tired that it called for dawn but it took awhile for it to come.
They all got to know eachother better and laughed as they created acquaintance.
"l feel like have known you for ages "carl said but tasha kept ignoring the topic cus she was tipsy .The party finally came to an end and the guest started heading home .

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2021 ⏰

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