Where Your Flowers Can Bloom

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It had been 49 days since the end of the robot wars when the former Demoman heard a knock at his door.

It had been 11 months, and 5 days since the end of the gravel wars when he grumbled to himself, and got up from in front of the TV.

It had been 4 years, 6 months, and 12 days since first being hired by RED, when he opened the door to door to a very familiar face.

"Hello, Fat Demoman!"

Soldier. Soldier was here. Soldier was here. The TV still sputtering out re-runs of Ghost DA, Demo could barely contain his shock. He opened and closed his mouth a few times, not really sure what he should be saying to the former co-worker that had suddenly appeared on his doorstep. Eventually he gave in to his inner voice that kept saying hug him you asshole.

Demo did, and Soldier hugged him back. Standing like that, it was like the past month apart had never even happened.

Demo pulled away, punching Soldier lightly in the shoulder. "Is that how you greet me, lad? After all this time apart and you're already lookin' for a sock in the jaw?"

Soldier only grinned, still keeping one arm wrapped around Demo's waist while eyeing him up and down. "I am stating facts, private. Only a godless commie ignores the truth when his friend has obviously let himself go."

Soldier, for his part, looked exactly the same has he did a month ago, uniform and all. He and Demo had parted on good terms, the end of their four-year relationship relatively harmonic. Demo hadn't realized how much he'd missed the barmy mercenary until just now.

They were still standing in the middle of the doorway still half holding each other, the swell of reunion making Demo forget they couldn't just go back to how things were. He jerked away, covering up the awkward movement by motioning Soldier inside. Soldier noticed anyway, and tried to hide his look of hurt. All Demo wanted to do was plop on the couch and ask him a million questions, but he at least had enough host-ness in him to ask if Soldier wanted anything to drink. Soldier thought it was a bit early in the day to be drinking, and Demo had to reassure him that there was some water and fruit juice in the fridge.

"So," Demo said, sitting on the couch opposite Soldier, "where the hell have you been? You said you were goin' tae keep in touch."

Soldier idly rubbed the condensation on his water glass. "Nowhere. Just home."

"Ah." Demo's smile remained plastered to his face. "Well then. What you been doin' with yourself?"


This wasn't going anywhere. Demo felt the beginnings of awkwardness slip into the room, something he almost never felt when around Soldier. He thought about taking Soldier's hands in his own and trying to pry a real answer out of him, but instead just took a sip of his drink.

"Have you been avoidin' me?"

Soldier looked anywhere but Demo, this going not at all like he had hoped. "No," he replied unconvincingly. "I've just been...it doesn't matter."

"C'mon, lad. What's goin' on? Why are you givin' me the cold shoulder?"

"It doesn't matter," Soldier repeated harshly. He relented, catching the look of shock on Demo's face. "I mean..." he tried again, "I came here to ask you something."

Demo felt his heart sink. He had thought Soldier had come to see him, not try to start the trouble his questions always brought.

"What is it?"

Soldier took a deep breath. "Two days ago, I got kicked out of my castle. I don't have anywhere else to go. I don't have any family, and you're the only person from the old team I know how to get in contact with."

Where Your Flowers Can Bloom (Demoman x Soldier)Where stories live. Discover now