Chapter 1

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Seirin was going to win. They had to win or it would be the end. They wouldn't lose. Yet they lost 110:75.  All of Kuroko's passes were intercepted and with each interception, a new basket was scored. The whistle blew. The game was over, and the Seirin team went to the lockers. That's where the blame began. "It was all your fault Kuroko!" Yelled the captain Hyuga.  "If your passing hadn't been so reckless, they wouldn't have scored so many baskets!" The rest of the team besides Teppei agreed. It hurt Kuroko to hear them say that, but his face reflected nothing. The finishing blow came. Kagamine held Kuroko by the shirt, and gave him a fierce gaze of anger. "You broke your promise! Seirin doesn't need a phantom who can't own up to his promises, and is weak! Now get out of my sight! I never want to see you again!" He threw Kuroko down, and stormed out of the room. The team went and change after that scene in silence. Kuroko got back up and went to a locker that carried his clothes. "If that is what you wish." Said Kuroko in a barely audible voice. No one heard him. "Like a phantom I'll disappear."


This is my first time writing fan fiction so I'm really excited yet nervous. This chapter was short because it was just an intro and because I want to see if people will like it.

(Pretty) Please comment if you do and I promise to make the chapters longer.


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