As the dreaded day comes again

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As I finished my work for today, I realized one thing: this day is just the same as others. All of them are uneventful and boring. Maybe it ain't special because it is from my point of view, from a point of view of a cold, lonely, and menacing person like me. "Downright stubborn" and "bloody git to a fault" that's what I heard those people describe me as. I couldn't blame them for I really am that much nasty of a person. Back to what I am saying, this day is really just normal. There's nothing to celebrate.

As I walked past pairs of happy, sappy couples with their fingers entwined and eyes shining with mere delight due to the warmth they feel with the person beside them, I wonder if all their sweetness today will remain the next day and days to come. Of course not! Who are they kidding? They are just sweet today and tomorrow they are back to shouting at each other, no bars held from saying hurtful words at the other. The warmth they feel? It will just turn back to coldness the next day after they have posted how romantic today was. It is all for the gram.

As I see flowers, chocolates, stuffed animals, hearts and whatever else related to this dreaded celebration of love, I think of all the money these foolish people are spending for such commercial holiday created by greedy capitalists. It is just a money making scheme to make people buy their supposed loved ones gifts so to show their love. Is it only just on that day? If you truly love that person you won't need to wait for that day to buy them something to show your love. They are all fools to believe this scam.

As I entered a restaurant to dine after my shift, I saw a whole lot more of these couples. Under the candle light they chatted, all with smiles and some are feeding each other. What are you toddlers who needed to be spoon fed? I quickly sat at a table and took the menu offered to me. The lady asked me if I wanted to order some wine while waiting. I looked at her in confusion. Ah. She assumed I was waiting for a date. Poor her I won't be ordering wine since I am not waiting for someone. I just politely declined and proceeded to order and I think the waitress realized that I am eating alone and she seemed to look at me with sympathy. What's wrong with being alone, woman? I am perfectly and utterly fine. I just finished my meal then headed home.

As I stopped and looked at the stars on my way home, I finally knew the answer as to why I abhor this day. I am just lonely. Maybe I am just jealous of them all spending this day with the ones they love while I am here miserable on my own. There's no one waiting there for me to give me a gift or to go on dates with. There's no one beside me to give me warmth and smile at me. I already know the answer but I just try to push it aside and think of logical ways as to why this day sucks.

As I bumped to this stranger, I was pulled out of my thoughts about this day. Maybe it's just because of the atmosphere or whatever's in the air but this stranger just seems different. As I stare at those onyx eyes, I feel more and more drawn. I could definitely see myself staring at those eyes...whoa! Chill. What was I thinking? This day just keeps getting weirder and weirder. I started to utter an apology and it seems like the stranger is also trying to do the same. We both stopped and silence filled us. Now this is awkward. I decided to finally break it and said sorry once more but luckily this time I was the only one who said it. We just bowed at each other and left. I continued walking back home, my thoughts were now filled with that onyx eyed stranger. This day is just normal, ain't it?


As I looked at the back of the stranger I bumped into, I felt my heart thump. I could still remember those emerald eyes. The stranger looked lost in thought and maybe sad? Maybe just like me the person is lonely on this day. Yeah, I am alone on February 14. This sucks right? I finally decided to turn back and continue walking. While I was walking, I couldn't hide my smile. Maybe it is the work of fate. Maybe, just maybe, I won't be alone next year.

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