Allow Me to Be Your Future

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Kirumi wrung her hands nervously, watching Shuichi from afar. In times like this, he looked so innocent and pure. But he also looked so confident and capable, like he really was going to change the world someday. It was such an inspiring and comforting thing to see, but for once, the sight filled Kirumi with despair rather than hope.

In the beginning, theirs had been a purely professional relationship. With Shuichi as the heir to the Saihara family, she was supposed to help him grow into the name, but it didn't seem like he needed her help anymore. He was doing just fine on his own now. Normally, this would've filled Kirumi with pride and joy, but for once, she felt... sad.

There was more to it than just that, though. She was feeling things she'd never felt before, but that was part of the problem. Because these feelings were so new to her, she wasn't even sure how to identify them. It was a little more than concerning. All she knew was that it was something bad. She could feel herself wanting to overstep boundaries, and that was absolutely unforgivable!

The maid finally decided to resign. It was not a choice she made lightly, but she felt as if there was no other option. Besides, in her opinion, the best maids knew how to set aside their personal feelings and do what needed to be done, no matter how unpleasant.

"I was employed by the master, your father, for a very long time," she said, once she finally found the courage to approach Shuichi. "However, that ends today. I will leave the mansion tomorrow."

"What?! Why this all of a sudden?!" Shuichi cried. Unlike Kirumi, he was unable to keep his true feelings at bay. Kirumi gave him a rueful smile, touched and grateful for his outcry, but also knowing that it would only make things harder, for both of them.

But even though time was running out, there was still something she wanted to say. Even if it was useless now, she still wanted to say it, just because it felt wrong to try to hide things from him, especially if this really was their final farewell.

"Shuichi, will you promise me something?" she asked. "What I am about to tell you must remain here... My secret..." her voice grew grave.

"All right, I understand. I promise," Shuichi nodded firmly. He still seemed confused and worried, but like her, he could push his feelings aside, even if he wasn't quite as practiced at it as she was.

"Thank you," she sighed in relief. "I am convinced that you of all people will keep the promise, Master Shuichi." The maid paused and nodded, smiling to herself. "Definitely," she decided, a new certainty in her voice. "Since you are the man I love..."

"I'm what?! The man you love?!" Shuichi all but squawked in surprise. Just as expected, clever though he was, Kirumi's growing feelings for him had gone completely unnoticed. The maid wasn't sure if this made her want to laugh or cry.

"I mean every word of it," she promised softly. Then she heaved a sad, tired sigh. "Although I am the Ultimate Maid, I do not know how to handle my own emotions..." She hadn't felt this delicate or vulnerable in years, but she forced herself to carry on.

"You're so kind to those in need, and to the downtrodden, outcasted, and wounded. You're also wise, and even though you are unsure of your role, you have the courage to move forward. You inspire me, Master Shuichi, to be just the same way. You inspire me to be brave as well. There was a time when you said you wanted to see how far you could go on your own, without my help. You wanted to test your own abilities and create your own destiny before coming back to me, and I really admired that.

"I, too, believe that the truest test of one's ability comes only when that person is willing to try to achieve their dreams on their own. That is not to say they should never ask for help, but rather, when they choose to see how they can go on their own, that is when they will find who they truly are. You helped me do this, Master Shuichi. You helped me face my fears instead of fleeing from them or denying them. Do you remember all the time you spent trying to teach me how to cut konjac?" The maid trailed off with a wet laugh. She wasn't crying, but she was close.

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