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Hello, there! If most of you didn't know, I decided to restart this whole book of one-shots. So yes, I had to rewrite this and this time I tried making it a bit more longer and putting more effort into my writing, it's not the best, but anyway enjoy!😁


Sykkuno's POV

I woke up to the sounds of birds chirping and singing. It was a lovely morning, to wake up to today.

I yawned as I softly got out of my bed and headed towards the bathroom, I took a nice warm shower and cooked myself, some breakfast with bacon and eggs.

While I was eating I heard my phone, ringing on the counter, and I was a bit surprised Corpse is calling me. I answered.

"Hey, Sykkuno" Gosh that deep but also soothing voice gets to me almost every time.

"Hey, Corpse what's up?" I said after I almost choked on my food forgetting to swallow, "Nothing much I just wanted to see if you wanted to hang out today like just chatting or something." He said while I took my last bite of my food and putting the plate away.

"Oh, I don't think I can today because am going out to get groceries. Am just really running out of food at the moment," I said feeling bad.

"That's fine, but am just so bored I don't even know what to do today, "After he said that I thought maybe he could come with me.

"Maybe you could come with me, I don't mind," It was silent for almost 5 minutes and I started getting a bit worried as to why he wasn't answering me so, I spoke up.

" You know, i-its okay, Corpse you don't have to-" But he interrupts me. " No, it's okay Sykkuno I want to accompany you, and don't worry about my anxiety. I will be okay, at least I will t-try to be..."

I heard him stutter a bit, but if he says, he's coming with me then I am glad to hear that. "Alright then am about to go now, if you want I can pick you up at your place," I said, not trying to sound too weird or anything.

" Yeah, sure see you then" I hanged up. I tied my shoes and grabbed my car key. And headed out of my apartment complex feeling happy because am about to see my good friend.

Corpse POV

After Sykkuno hanged up my anxiety started getting to me." Fuck my anxiety this is Sykkuno." there is no need to be fucking nervous." I mumbled to myself feeling absurd.

I went to the bathroom, to wash my ugly ass face that I have to, unfortunately, wake up to every damn morning, I saw myself, in my reflection.

I grabbed a glass of bottle that was found on the floor and I just throw it pretty hard breaking the mirror. ''UGH, I CAN'T STAND LOOKING AT MYSELF GOD WHY DID I HAVE TO BE BORN LIKE THIS!''

I yelled out so loud in my apartment, knowing that I probably woke up my neighbors from upstairs.

I try to calm myself, down by grabbing my knife, and I start flipping it rapidly.It wasn't helping so, I was about to yell again until heard a notification sound.

Sykkuno 🌱: Hey, Corpse just letting you know that am already here, outside.

'Shit he's already here?! 'I thought before texting back.

Corpse 💀: Okay, I am going now.

Sykkuno 🌱: Alright, can't wait to see you

I smiled through the phone screen." At least Sykkuno knows how to cheer me up". I said while I speed run out the door. I noticed him waving at me through the car window shield.
I went over to him.

" Hi, Corpse am so happy you could accompany me." He said smiling but covering his mouth. As I get in the passenger seat. "Me too, Sykkuno also you gotta stop covering your mouth people love seeing your smile and laugh silly!"

I saw him blush a bit when I said that. While I just giggled." R-really? Haha, I guess I never really noticed then." He said while he started driving again as I looked out the window.

(This means time skip)

Narrator's POV

Sykkuno and Corpse, arrived at their destination. Sykkuno took off his seat belt he was about to get out of the car when Corpse grabbed his arm."S-Sykkuno is it okay if I stay in the c-car? " Corpse said nervously.

While Sykkuno can see the panic in his eyes, Sykkuno softly, grabbed Corpse's two hands onto his own. Rubbing them gently," Look Corpse don't worry, just stay by my side and I will never leave you on your own, okay?"Sykkuno said, with a look of determination on his face.

Corpse took a deep breath and nodded his head, they both got out of the car and entered the store. Corpse was feeling nervous when he saw a lot of people around them just buying and paying. Sykkuno noticed and held Corpse's hand. Corpse looked at Sykkuno pleased feeling much better than before, it really calmed him down.

Sykkuno then started getting the things he needed while Corpse just was on his phone listening to music, with his earbuds on. Until a random girl bumped into their cart by accident, scaring Corpse almost dropping his phone.

"Oh, my goodness, am so sorr-" She got cut off by looking at them. She was so shocked she recognized them." W-wait are you Sykkuno?! " She said out loud, causing some attention from other people to start looking at them. Corpse started to freak out forming tears into his eyes, he started to shake.

The girl noticed Corpse and started to walk over to him touching his arm of curiosity until Sykkuno pushed the cart in front of her shielding Corpse."BACK THE HELL OFF!" Corpse got even more scared he has never seen Sykkuno like this before, Corpse stood behind Sykkuno.

"S-Sykkuno w-what are you-" Sykkuno shushed him and said, " Am trying to protect you don't worry I will get us both out of here." The girl looked so frightened, Sykkuno walked up close to her face and said " I just wanna give you a warning...DON'T YOU EVER TRY TO TOUCH HIM, GO NEAR HIM, AND SHOUT WHO WE ARE WITHOUT OUR CONSENT!"

Sykkuno said in front of her face then walked away grabbing Corpse to go finally pay. Corpse looked so stunned he has never felt so protected before in his life and never had so much hope in his eyes.

After Sykkuno paid Corpse ran to the car hoping in. Trying to catch his breath. Sykkuno closed the trunk of the car and got inside."C-Corpse are you alright-" Corpse hugged him so tightly crying on his shirt of joy.

"T-thank you Sykkuno for protecting me nobody has ever defended me or protected me so much not even my own family, gosh what did I do to deserve such an amazing friend like y-you Sykkuno!"

Corpse couldn't stop crying out loud. Sykkuno smiled and felt tears come to his eyes as well." Am so glad I met you Corpse."Sykkuno said while rubbing Corpses' back. Corpse looked at Sykkuno in the eyes full of hope, and tears.

"M-me too Sykkuno." That was when Corpse pulled down his mask and just smiled at Sykkuno. Sykkuno was surprised that Corpse let him finally see his face. That was the day when Sykkuno and Corpse felt and knew their friendship was on a whole new level with each other from now on in their lives.


Hello, guys, and I hope you enjoyed this one-shot I tried to make it a bit longer than before, also adding more words like details and such. I will try to make another chapter maybe this week or weekend, and you may give me any requests and I will try to write it and pick the best one. And tell me what were your guy's thoughts on this one-shot. Anyways cya on the next one!💚🖤

Words in total:1,368

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