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        The Beatles were no good for drowning out the idiots at the back of the bus. For that matter, none of the other classic British bands he liked could, either. Maybe when he got home he would make a playlist of Metalica and Soundgarden, that should at least be at to momentarily block out the gits.

        "Downward dog is totally a thing! Trust me, all of the ladies love it!" Jeffrey, one of the others that was in the shop class that Ferb was taking, yelled at Steve, "Dude, downward dog is a yoga pose! Your body looks like a triangle when you do it! Who would want to have sex with a fucking triangle?!" He responded in a loud manner. "Wow Steve, you sure know a lot about yoga!" Teddy, another one of the kids in shop, butted in.

        That was the only problem Ferb had with school; idiots. Fortunately, the green haired boy had gotten all honors courses for everything they offered, and was even in twelfth grade science and math though he was only a tenth grader. Why he had chosen shop as one of his two electives was beyond him at the moment, just as it was normally when he was stuck in the awful class. At the beginning of the school year, it seemed like a good idea, taking band and shop. Last year he had taken PE as his second elective, just as all ninth graders must, so really, it wasn't an elective. He thoroughly enjoyed band, though. Being the entire saxophone section could be a challenge at times, but being the prodigious musician he was, he always seemed to have his part perfected.

        The bus screeched to a halt, allowing the kids at the third stop to get on. The familiar faces walked down the aisles into the seats they had claimed at the beginning of the year, just like they did every day.

        It would have been the same as every day, if he hadn't spotted a new face amongst the small crowd. A girl, who looked to be about 5'8, minced down the aisle, looking of an available spot.

        There were a lot of spots open, seeing as it was only the third stop out of seven, but the girl looked as if she knew that the spots were taken.

        Ferb looked down at the comic book in his lap, deciding that the girl was of no importance and probably someone he would never have to work with.

        The girl, however, was seeming to prove his point wrong as she sat in the seat horizontal of him. "That's Jenny's seat." Said a short girl with blonde hair almost as soon as she sat down. The new girl simply ignored her. "You have to move." She said.

        The mysterious girl simply glared at the blonde. The ginger was rather intimidating with an expression like the one she was shooting the blonde. She was tall, thin, and no doubt was she muscular. Honestly, even though Ferb was still a few inches taller than her, he would be worried if she was giving him that look.

        "I'm sorry," the new girl said, a hint of sarcasm in her voice, "but I'm sure that every other seat is taken, too, and I don't really want to stand while on a moving vehicle."

        She smirked at the girl, knowing that she wouldn't be able to offer her a better spot, nor would she be able to make her move.

        It was hard to find a spot on this bus if you weren't here the first day, and people lucky enough to have the entire seat to themselves, such as Ferb, were not going to give it up easily. 

        Everyone knew how the bus worked; twelfth graders in the back, eleventh graders close to the back, tenth graders farther up in the front, and ninth grader in the very first five or six rows. The farther back you were, the more respect you had, only twelfth graders and really tuff kids could get a spot in the back.

        Ferb had settled for a spot in the fifth row, where all of the ninth graders sat, to assure that he had a seat all to himself. Normally, Phineas and his girlfriend, Isabella, would sit two rows behind him, and Buford and Baljeet horizontal of them. Unfortunately, Phineas was sick at home with the flu, as he had been the entire weekend.

        The new girl faced the front, eyes roaming around where the bus driver sat. The bus, once again, screeched to a stop and more people got on.

        They all made their way to their seats. A girl with long brown hair walked up to where the new girl was sitting, clearly unamused with the girl sitting in her seat.

        The new girl looked up at the brunette, clearly unfazed by the intense glare she was receiving from the brunette.

        "Move." That was all the Jenny said to the ginger, "Can't, I don't have anywhere else to sit, and clearly standing isn't an option. At that, Jenny grumbled in annoyance, "Hey, you, girl, sit." The bus driver commanded. Jenny glared at the man before sitting next to the new girl.

        Ferb watched the interaction between them, almost feeling sympathetic for the new girl, firsts day in a new school that was three months into the school year, and it started of by rudely being told to move.

        Ferb sighed, people.

        Why were so many people so rude? It was always a puzzle to the green haired boy.

        He went back to reading the comic that he had brought, the part of the newspaper that contained the strips such as The Peanuts and Garfield were always what he brought with him on the yellow vehicle.

        The screeching of the bus shook Ferb from his thoughts, once again. "Why don't you go sit with him?" Ferb heard the brunette ask the new girl. She shrugged, "He looks perfectly content sitting by himself." That was true, Ferb did enjoy sitting in his own, yet still being close to his friends and step brother.

        "I'm sure he won't mind." She pushed.

        The ginger looked like exactly the girl this sort of thing would happen to, curly vibrant orange hair, pasty skin adorned with freckles, wearing a man's button up brown shirt, clearly way too big on her, and a tattered and ripped plaid brown jacket that seemed like it was eating her it was so big.

        Ferb sighed and moved his purple backpack from the spot next to him, signaling that it was fine if she sat there. She, luckily, understood the message and sat down next to the Ferb.

A/N:know that no one is going to read this story,but thank you if you are .apologies for the short chapter, it's around 1,200 words, but it is the prologue, so would expect it to be shorter.know that Phineas and Isabella aren't couple,but had to do that for reasons. Regular updates will be around 1,500 - 3,000 words long. 

Thank you for reading! ~ EM

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2015 ⏰

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