Side-Characters are the Most Dangerous

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Tommy and Tubbo faced each other one last time, a look of pure terror plastered on their faces. They expected this to happen one way or another, but not quite like this, standing together in Dream's inescapable bunker as the insane bastard ordered Tommy to say goodbye to his best friend.

The sadness in the air was palpable as Tommy held Tubbo's green button-down in a white knuckled grip, sobbing. But, Tubbo did not cry. 

Staring down at the closest thing he could call family, a strange sense of calm washed over the boy, as he returned the hug. He wondered if this was how it felt to be in the eye of the hurricane. "It's ok, Tommy. We said our goodbyes at the start, remember?"

"But, we were joking! Why are you ok with this? Why are you just accepting your death?" Tommy screamed hoarsely. He was a tempest of emotions, the only repetitive thought being how am I going to live without Tubbo by my side? He didn't quite think that was possible. Where Tommy was, Tubbo was, and where Tubbo was, Tommy was. Everyone knew they were a package deal, and he knew that if Tubbo died today, it would not be long until he followed.

Tubbo smiled at him, before saying, "At least you will be safe," as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "You're my brother in all things but blood, why wouldn't I be happy to sacrifice myself for you?" Tubbo asked. Tommy only sobbed louder.

Dream butted in, "See Tommy? It's Tubbo's time to go now," he said patronizingly, as he brandished his netherite sword threateningly.

Tubbo's head whipped to the side, sneering angrily after hearing the man's voice. "I may go down today, but I will not go down quietly," he spoke, each word heavy with meaning. "Every man is given his last words correct? Well, here's mine," Tubbo tilted his chin up and straightened himself to his full height, giving it the appearance that he was looking down on his would-be killer.

"You prattle on about all this bullshit about attachment, but you are wrong. Attachment does not make a person weak, it makes us stronger. You rid yourself of all your attachment to the people you cared about, and now you have no one to fall back on. You started a war of which the only person that is on your side is you. Kinda sad, dontcha think?" Tubbo tilted his head mockingly, his gaze steely.

Dream's laughter turned manic as he screamed hysterically, "I am a god I don't need anyone on my side."

"But you're bleeding, are you not?" Tubbo questioned, pointing at the gash in the man's shoulder where Tommy had sliced him with his axe. "You bleed just like the rest of us, and I'll let you in on a little secret, Dream, if a god bleeds, they are no longer a god."

And, right on time, Punz stepped through the portal, brandishing his full netherite gear, Tubbo and Dream turning to look at him, as Tommy let out a victory cackle. Hearing the laugh, Tubbo turned to look at him with a raised eyebrow, the two seemingly having a silent conversation, before Tubbo conceded, a bright smile breaking his once stony face. Dream, not understanding, spat out a confused, "Punz?"

Punz sighed for a moment, meeting eyes with Tommy as the boy stepped up next to Tubbo, both boys looking at him expectantly. Turning to Dream once more, Punz spoke, "I'm sorry, Dream, but you should've paid me more."

All at once, almost every single member of the SMP poured out of the portal, weapons at the ready. Sapnap, once one of Dream's best friends, now led the charge against him, moving to stand in front of the two teens. The rest of his makeshift army moved to flank the man, forming a protective barrier between Dream and the two teens, the anger that they had all stored for the green man bubbling to the surface all at once.

And there, the story ends. The once great man of the SMP, revered as a god, died surrounded, yet alone, just as Tubbo prophesied. 

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