chapter one

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Delphine had only been to the United States once before. It had been two years ago, when she had been posing as an immunology student at the University of Minnesota. Now, however, she was in New York City, standing outside of the private investigation office of Jessica Jones. New York reminded her somewhat of Paris, with its crowded streets and constant noise, but something about the city was slightly different. She couldn't quite understand what it was, but it didn't make her want to stay here any longer than she had to.

She rose her knuckles to knock on the door, rapping a few gentle, but audible knocks. There was an aggravated groan from the other side of the door. There was a sound of a chair scratching the surface of a hardwood floor, and the sound of heavy footsteps making their way to the door.

The door was yanked open, causing Delphine to take a step back. Stood in the doorway was a dark haired woman who wore nothing less than an annoyed expression. She was slightly taller than Delphine was. She was leaning heavily on the doorframe, and when her dark eyes looked up into Delphine's face, she let out a tired sigh.

"What do you want," She asked, her words slurring slightly. "I'm closed today."

Delphine shuddered at the smell from the wave of alcohol that came from the other woman's breath. She blinked and clenched her fists knowing that she had an idea of where this conversation would go.

She cleared her throat and offered her hand to the other woman. "Hello Jessica, my name is Doctor Delphine Cormier, and I am in need of your help."

She let her hand fall back to her side when Jessica didn't take it.

"What would someone like you want with someone like me?"


Jessica rolled her eyes. "What would some French doctor want with a shitty pi from Hell's Kitchen?"

Delphine forced a smile onto her face. "You're quite the opposite, Miss Jones."

She scoffed. "Why are you here?"

"I work for the Dyad Institute. I'm a scientist, and my... friends and I are looking into what they're doing since they're, let's just say, suspicious to say the least."

Delphine isn't entirely sure why she told the truth, but Jessica looks unimpressed anyway.

As Jessica started to close her front door she said, "Sorry, I don't have the time, or the amount of shits to give to help you on your little science experiment."

Delphine readjusted her shoulders. "Please. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't important."

Jessica seemed to reconsider. There was a flash of conflict that crossed her hardened features as she pulled the door open again. There was a flutter of hope in Delphine's chest, and she had to suppress a relieved sigh.

"What's in it for me?" Jessica asked, her eyes narrowing with suspicion.

Delphine crossed her arms across her chest. "You'll get paid a full Dyad salary, which is thirty thousand Canadian dollars. Which in American currency, is roughly thirty-eight thousand dollars."

Jessica was slack jawed. "Do you know how much booze I could buy with that kind of money?"

Delphine smirked. "Yes, I am aware."

The dark haired woman considered her offer. "Will I get free alcohol?"

"I can arrange for that to happen."

The private investigator shrugged. "Canada here I come, I guess." She said before disappearing back into her office.

She reappeared a moment later clad in a leather jacket and a bag hanging from her shoulder. She closed her door behind her, stepping past Delphine and leading the way down the hall. She paused for a moment to pound on the front door of some man named Malcolm, letting him know that she will be out of the country for the time being. There was no response, and Jessica shrugged and continued her slightly tipsy walk to the elevator.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2021 ⏰

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