The introduction

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I've known you, for a while now. I've witnessed you in acts of romance, in acts of anger. I've noticed the silent yet deadly gaze you have every time you look me in my eyes. The same gaze you had when you looked at me, which seemed like for the first time ever. That stare that stops everything around us for just a moment in time while our eyes lock and when our eyes meet they say a million words without saying one at all. Hi. Suddenly your mouth can't find the words to express how your heart fluttered through your chest at first sight of me. I would announce my presence every time I'm near you but it feels as if you already are aware each time, like your studying me. I pick up on these things very quickly being as I'm just as fascinated by this new encounter as you. To be in a room full of people and see nobody but you, although its like I unconsciously found my way to you despite my discrete efforts. Was one soul unknowingly destined to seek another, do you call it fate? Or was the conscious soul subtly seeking out, A coincidence perhaps. Do you believe in higher levels of love, lust? Do you believe in love at all?

Soul MateNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ