Chapter One: Freedom

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The light would shine in the darkness, as the world began fading. Everything dark slowly became beautiful. Thats what I thought, at least. I brushed my dark brown hair from my eyes, tilting my head up towards the big sky. Sure, this world may seem gorgeous, but they don't know the dark secrets this place holds.

I crept through the deserted park late at night, my hoodie over my head. Every time I'd step onto the crisping leaves, soundless steps would flow through the air. I strolled along as the wind blew through strands of my hair loosely, smiling to myself. Freedom, the most beautiful part of my life. Nobody to hold me back any longer, after all, my parents were gone. I'm not sure where, but all I know, is I'm on my own. I have been for a long time.  That is, till I saw her. She sat alone on a bench, seeming to stare at nothing.

Her hair reached her waist, as her blue eyes glistened in the moonlight. Those soft, silky black locks flowed through the wind, and in that time, I wished I could become the wind. To stroke her hair, to lay against her olive skin. She held no flaws but from a far, it appeared her eyes were telling a million different stories. Both terrible ones, and others fantastic.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2021 ⏰

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