I'm Tired

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This is with Katarina as the main focus, and Apple being a character who keeps Kat from.. Well, you'll see. 

I'm tired. I've been tired. And I will probably continue to be tired. 

But, as Apple has pointed out, the blood-loss is making today worse than usual. 

Her condescending stare above me is why I closed my eyes. 

"Kat, where's the knife?"

My eyes flutter open as I lean back, head touching the rim of the porcelain tub, before staring daggers at her. 

"Why does it matter? Is telling you going to make this better? No. Is telling you where the knife is, going to remove everything the surrogate did to me? No! Did I need it to turn the bathwater red? Of course I didn't! It doesn't matter."

I don't matter

She sighed. 

I closed my eyes. 

Aww, to scared to look at her eye to eye? Cute. 

The soft 'thmp' of Apple kneeling by the tub sounded too loud, and the lights were too bright, and her holding my had felt like too much, and-

"Your heart rates increasin-"

Fuck, I can't hear her

"Hey, brea-"

Why can't I hear her?

"-ut for eight"

I need-

I need-

Fuck, what do I need?

"Hey, Kat? Remember breathe in for fou-"

Right, breathing. 

"hold for seven, out for eight. In for four, hold for seven, out for eight."

Right, in for four, hold for seven, out for eight.

In for four, hold for seven, out for eight.

In for four, hold for seven, out for eight.

"Hey Apple?"

"Can I shower in your bathroom tonight? I really want to get the blood off before I pass out."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2021 ⏰

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