gamblers addiction <celeste x reader>

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You show him your cards, It was a royal flush, no doubt that you wouldn't win.


He exclaims, failing to beat you once again.

"Do you want another go? Or are you done?"

He stomps out of the room, flipping you off.

You were pretty good at gambling, you had to say. You've beat almost anybody who tried to approach you, pretty cool.

But there was this one girl. She always watched your matches. She had tornado drills and was wearing some maid dress or some shit.

Her name was, Celestial?

You didn't care.
She was just another spectator, not really doing anything slap worthy.

Maybe she has a thing for you? Or maybe she's plotting against you. Who cares? You were going to win against her if she tried.

You sat, waiting for another component to come up.

It was her. The girl with tornado drills.

She sat down in front of you, having a small smile.

"I would like to challenge you."


You smile,
"Mkay, princess."

You look at her, admiring her outfit, it was so unique and adorable.

"What's your name, I would hate to keep calling you princess."

She smiled,

"Celestia Ludenburg. You can call me Celeste if you like."

Oh. That makes a lot more since than Celebration.

"Anyway, let's get this party started."

She looked down at you, because she was a bit taller.

"Don't we need a motivation?"

"We are not playing strip anything."

You say, coiling back.

"No no, if I win you do 1 thing I want you to. If you win, vice versa."

You think about it, you decide, I mean it's not like you were going to lose.


You lost.
And now you had to do something for this European princess girl.

"Go on a date with me."

You were shocked.

"Go on a date with me."

What the hell?
This wasn't supposed to happen.
You was supposed to win.

"You agreed to the rules, come on."

She literally had to drag you out of the Casino.

You ended up going to a movie. A scary movie.

You were probably going to piss your self.

You and her got seats right next to eachother, and she also got popcorn and F/D (favorite drink)

It was terrifying.

The whole movie you were clinging to her arm, crying and screaming.

While Ms. Little Princess just enjoyed this movie while laughing at you.

You couldn't help but enjoy it.

"Next Tuesday. 6:00?"

You smiled. "Sure."

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