Ilysm 💕

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Y/N !

Ilysm 💕

You're so perfect, like... Omg
My pansexuality can't take so much beauty-

So please, don't be sad, I wanna see that smile on your face...

If you need someone to talk, someone who could be your sibling, your friend, if you wanna see me as your lover, I don't care, I just want you to be happy

Please, don't hurt yourself because of the others

You're not the problem
You're not the one who needs to suffer
You're not the one who messed up
You're perfect

If I could, I would hug you, hold you, cuddle with you, kiss your cheeks, make you pancakes

We could stay up 'till midnight, watch the stars, I would hold you against my chest, smile at you, and wait 'till the sun rises

We could go on boba dates
We could sing together
I could hold you
You could hold me

That seems perfect, right..?

Ilysm Y/N


If you want to, imagine that it's your favorite character/comfort streamer saying this 💕

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2021 ⏰

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