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"It's just safer being silent these days"  -Brent Faiyaz✨.

||Los Angeles, California📍||
Legend Ariyah Jones

I sighed and rolled my eyes walking onto my college campus. It was my first day back since break and I wasn't feeling it at all

I was walking down the hallway and a group of girls who looked about my age were starring at me. I started at them back hoping they would look away but they didn't making me frown and continue walking

"Aye" I heard someone say so I turned around and a boy that was with the girls started walking up to me making me sigh

"You new around here?" He asked

"Nah" I shrugged

"Oh okay, you got a boyfriend?"

"Something like that" I started walking away passing the girls and they were starring at me even harder now

I wanna walk up to them and say something but I'm not even gonna start with nobody this semester

Hours later class was finally dismissed

I grabbed my bag and started heading out of the classroom. I had plans on visiting my granny today and that's what I was gonna do

"Hi" one of the girls that was in the group starring at me earlier said with a smile on her face. She was giving my fake vibes

People on campus always tried to talk to me or be my friend but I simply go to school to learn and go back home. I already got my friend group ion need nomore people around me

I looked at her and just continued walking to my car, I'm really just not feeling it today. anybody can get a free ass whooping the way i'm feeling

💙 Would like to FaceTime...

I seen Kemani calling me and answered

"Hello" I spoke lowly but unintentionally

"How was school?"

"It was cool. how was your day?" I asked back

"It was coo, why you sound like that?" He scrunched his face up

"Like what?"

"Yo wassup witchu?" He asked again I guess noticing my tone

I got in my car and put on my seatbelt

"Nothing I'm straight"

"Aight bruh. you going to your cribb?" He asked

"No I'm gonna visit my granny then go home I'm just tired I think"

"Oh aight. Imma hit you up later then" He said and I nodded hanging up the phone

I walked up to my granny's porch seeing she was sitting on it rocking back and forth watching the cars pass by

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