harry potter one shots nsfw

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Hey everyone! thank you for deciding to read my book! I would just like to inform you guys that this one shots/ imagines are NSFW and contain smut so if you are not comfortable with that, that is completely fine but just please do not continue reading as I do not want to make you uncomfortable. I hope you enjoy my one shots and please comment any suggestions for improvement or just your general opinions on my one shots as I love hearing from you!

I would also like to make it clear that I will not as of this moment in time be adding Harry to these one shots/ imagines but he WILL be added to my SFW one shots/ imagines I'm also working on

People I will be writing about (if your fave isn't here, leave a comment and I'll try add one of them!):


-Oliver Wood

-Fred Weasley

-George Weasley

-Cedric Diggory

-Blaise Zabini

-Neville Longbottom

-Lee Jordan

-Draco Malfoy

-Ron Weasley

-Newt Scamander

-Tom Riddle

-Mattheo Riddle


-Hermione Granger

-Ginny Weasley

-Luna Lovegood

-Angelina Johnson

-Cho Chang

-Pansy Parkinson

-Lavender Brown

-Nymphadora Tonks


-Regulus Black

-James Potter

-Sirius Black

-Remus Lupin

-Peter Pettigrew

-Frank Longbottom

-Severus Snape

(and probably the marauder girls as well if I can)

NOTE: I am NOT trying to sexualise these characters in any way shape or form, I will be writing experiences I've either experienced in my Desired Reality or just cute ones I feel like writing, I am not writing in a sense to dehumanise them and make them all about sex and sexual stuff.

As well, everything I write, consent has been given both ways!! I would never write a book/ one shot/ imagines where one person was unsure, not given consent, or is being forced into doing something that makes them uncomfortable because that is extremely wrong.

Without further a-due please enjoy my one shots :)

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