just a new chapter i guess?

462 23 77


So basically just read no anything else

It's fluff thank me later!

I love youuu all!!


"Ah hyungie just one kiss please..?" Jungkook said with a pout

"Enough with kisses you already got so many kisses from me" taehyung said massaging his temples

"Aishh just a kiss but won't give it to me...tsk" jungkook whispered before going out of taehyung's office

As soon as jungkook went out taehyung sigh and started working again

That brat always like kisses

He said to himself

Jungkook harshly sitted on his chair which made yoongi gasp at the sudden action

"Woah woah...why so harsh? Your gonna break the chair be careful" yoongi said

Jungkook just rolled his eyes

"Can you just tell why are you so angry? " Yoongi ask him

"He don't want to give me kisses" jungkook said and suddenly type something on the computer

Yoongi let out a quiet laugh and jungkook glared at him

"What's funny?!"

"ah such a naughty bunny are you sulking at his Daddy? Ohh are you twoo in a relationship omoo" yoongi said and laugh

"It's not like you don't sulk when Mr Park don't give you attention"  jungkook fired back

Now it's yoongi's turn to glare at jungkook

"Yah! That's not t-true" yoongi denied it

"Tch... Ah why aren't you giving me attention? Ah always work? Or perhaps you have another woman right?" Jungkook mocked yoongi

"Yah! I didn't said those! Stop!"

"Don't worry hyung im the only one who always heard you two in the rest room" jungkook said before typing again in his computer  

Yoongi just glared at him before going back to work

"Hey jungkook!"

Jungkook looked back and smiled a little

"Oh vince hi!" Jungkook said and waved his hands to the guy

"Just wanna give you this..." Vince said and handed jungkook a small velvet box

Jungkook look at him confused

"Well...just wanna give it to you and mind having a dinner later?" Vince asked him

"Hmm i dont know ill just text you when I'm free"

"Ah okay...and one last question..."

Jungkook stopped and look back again at Vince

"Hmm?" Jungkook raised a brow

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