Mornin' Lovin'

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You wake up, the bright morning sun shining through the blinds and straight into your eyes. You roll over, rubbing the sleep from your eyes and opening them, expecting to see Hal there. When he isn't, a low sigh escapes your lips as you push yourself into a sitting position on the bed. You push the blankets from off of you with a type of reluctance that surely would've made Hal laugh - had he been there. After a few proper breaths in, you come to your senses and smell something from downstairs. He must be down there. It smells like he's making breakfast, toast, maybe? Suppose you should check.

You swing your legs over the edge of the bed, and hop down onto your feet. You rub your eyes again, and after putting on your glasses and blinking a few times to adjust to them, you start to head downstairs. After practically running down the hall and down the stairs, the smell coming from the kitchen is clearer - coffee beans. Perfect, just what you need. Once you get to the kitchen, Hal spins around to greet you with a hot cup of coffee. A ginger smile with his shades messily propped into his hair as he hand it to you, his red glowing eyes piercing you. Despite this, its comforting for you, and you accept the coffee with a gratuitous smile.

You bring the mug to your face and you breathe in, the rich smell of hot coffee filling your nostrils. Hal takes no hesitation in getting back to work, taking the toasted bread from the toaster and spreading butter on it with a knife. He'd sliced up an apple and put that on a plate with some caramel to dip them in, and placed the buttered toast alongside it on the plate.

Hal guides you to the chair, and sets you down, placing a soft kiss to your temple as he does so. He sits in the chair next to you, and without a word, works his fingers through your hair to gently undo knots and smooth it out as you eat.

Neither of you say a word, as you sit in hushed silence, together.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2021 ⏰

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