Quick Note

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Well thanks for choosing the book!

It's terrible and I have to many ideas so it all changes so I guess you'll never know what to expect especially on my part)))

But I guess it would only be fair to say this, no hate to other people because let's face it you wouldn't like getting shit said to you back, an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind after all, next ide like to say it's a terrible written story with a relatively okay  plot line that is yet to still be developed fully, the next thing is there will be swearing and there will be other things but let's be honest no one reads warnings.

I would normally describe outfits to a t and make sure people can visualize it but to give you a sense of what it is I always add a sub chapter after each main one with certain images of items or clothing outfits to show you what the characters wear or have come across in the main chapter that it's linked to, this is why I've given the images it's own mini sub chapter because if you just want to imagine then you an skip it and if you would like to see it before you read the main chapter that it's linked to you can...

For example:
C H A P T E R    ONE -  main chapter
CH 01 - images for that chapter

Believe it or not this is actually a series, have not figured the name of the series title yet but lucky for you you have stumbled upon,  The first book in the series; Clarity incase you want to go in order. 

Well let me know if there is any mistakes and I'll stop pissing you all of now- enjoy.

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