chapter one: an unexpected arrival

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There's something wrong. I'm pretty sure that wild animals should NOT be running around wild in the museum. And what's up with that guy in metal armor yelling about Camelot?

Sorry, I should probably introduce myself. My name is Cleo, short for Cleopatra, I am 19, originally from ancient Egypt, and am on display in London with two other Egyptians. I am tall, and have dark brown hair, and green eyes. 

I run down to and yell to Shepseheret 'what's going on?"

"I have no idea Cleo! Go, wait behind that pillar!"

I run behind a stone column as a group of strangers come running into the exhibit. There's a night watchman, two tiny little guys, a girl in a beaded dress with braids, a man in spectacles, a Caveman?, and a guy with a weird hat. He looks Asian. Oh, and a monkey.

Menekahre goes up to the strangers. He looks quite mad. And then someone walks through the door.

Hmm. Egyptian outfit, regal walk. And then I see his face. Oh my Isis. He has a strong chiseled jaw, smooth tan complexion, and georgeous sea green eyes. 

"Mom!,"he says. Wait. I think this is Ahkmenrah. Remember how to breathe, Cleo. This could never ever work. I go and hide behind a pillar.

"Cleo, wait!," Shepserheret yells."Cleopatra, get your butt back here now!"

Dang. "Just a minute, your majesty." I reply. See what I did there? Buttering up the mom? Haha I am a mortal genius! Bwahahaha. Sorry, evil laugh. I'm wearing quickly into a pretty aquamarine gown, and throw in a pretty tiara for good measure.

I peek out from the pillar to see Ahkmenrah talking to his parents. Aww. This is so sweet. Suddenly, I feel a tug at the bottom of my dress. It's the monkey. I hold out my arms and he jumps up. So cute! Then, he points to where everyone is staying, and they are all looking at me.

"What? He's adorable?", I say.

"Just wait until he pees on you," the night gaurd says. "I'm Larry Daley, by the way."

"And I'm guessing the owner of this foul beast." I reply. everyone laughs like I made a great joke. Yep. That was hilarious! I'm rolling on the floor laughing. Ok I need to stop with the side commentary.

Soon, the family breaks out of their hug, and I finish talking to the Asian guy. Turns out, he's Atilla the Hun. Thank goodness that I can speak foreign languages.

Then I hear my name again. "Cleopatra, come here." People only use my full name when I am in trouble. I slowly make my way to the royal family with my head down. 

"We would like you to meet our son." I continue to look down, so I don't pass out from fangirlism.(sorry , term I picked up from some teenage girls) Right as I raise my head up, a blur of silver comes crashing at me.

"Lady Guenivere! After all, it is I, Sir Lancelot. My jewel, my pride, come with me now! Or I will take you by force. After all, you are the treasure I have been seeking for years. Now!", he yells at me.

"Excuse me, Sir Dorksalot. I'm sorry, but I have no idea who in the Duat you are. Sooooooo, I'd advise you to get away from me or---", he cuts me off by slapping my face. Oh that's gonna leave a nasty mark. 

"Fine, your eternal beautifulness, then I shall have to use my gorgeous brute force to remove you!", Lancelot snaps, right as Dexter, bless his little heart, pees on him. "Oh you little---", he yells and storms out of the room. 

Just then, Ahkmenrah comes over to me, and touches my face where the bruise is . His hand is cool and gentle. "Are you all right?, he asks. "Umm, yes. I'm Cleo by the way, not that you'd care or whatever, and um, so..." OK, stop blubbering, now.

"I am glad you are all right, princess Cleo. I am Ahkmenrah, but I am guessing that you have heard much about me from my parents." 

Suddenly, Ahk collapses, along with many of the others. "The tablet!", Larry yells. Soon, I find myself helping support Ahkmenrah. He smells good, like incense and cinnamon. Wait, what? Finally, the episode ends, and Ahk's father yells at Larry to get the tablet to moonlight.

But then, Lancelot steps in front of Larry holding a knife to a kid who looks like Larry's head.And then he takes the tablet.

all that glitters(Ahkmenrah)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя