Moving in

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OMFG I just text from marvel mom asking me for my address. When I asked why she said she signed adoption papers making me her real kid. Apparently she got in touch with THE Tony Stark and was able to track me and some other members of the marvel family down. I hurriedly pack up all my stuff(there wasn't much) and wait outside the curb. I looked like a mess too.Sorry let me introduce myself. I was Tyler Ison but since being adopted I am now Tyler Grace.  I was taken by Hydra and trained as The Shifter for 6 years. I can shape-shift into any animal real or not,have enhanced senses,strength,speed,agility,metabolism,and have powers like the scarlet witch but in the color black after being with Hydra for 6 years. I have been living in a hotel for the past 3 years. Working 2 jobs and still barely affording to survive. I go back inside to return the key to my room and when I come back out there is a giant bus that says Stark Industries,waiting by the curb. I walk towards it cautiously to see the doors start to open. Faster than I can see someone runs over and gives me a giant hug. My fighting instincts kick in and I judo flip the person before taking my knife from its leg sheath and holding it against their neck. I finally get a good look at the person to realize it is Oliv-I mean Mom. I slowly remove my knife and stand up. I flip my knife into the air and hold out my leg. My knife slides smoothly into the sheath before I offer my hand to Mom who is still shaken. She takes it and looks at me,"Where did you learn to do that?" "I taught myself in case something ever happened." "Yeah I understand that. This is a strange world." I follow her onto the bus and sit down next to another kid who has dirty blonde hair,green eyes and is about 5'4. They are wearing what seems to be a blue T-Shirt under a light grey hoodie with the black silhouette of the one and only Winter Soldier. She is wearing some light blue sweatpants and some checkered vans. I sit down in the seat next to her and smile. She smiles back before looking out the window. The bus starts moving towards Avengers Tower. I look around and see there are 15 people including me,the person next to me,and Mom. I see that everyone is about 20-22 years of age. Trying to make the time pass I look at the girl,no,woman next to me and hold out my hand,"I'm Tyler'' She looks at me before holding out her hand as well,"I'm Sam." We talk the entire way there about random things. We were talking about which Avenger is our favorite when the bus stops. I look out the window in awe with the tower looming over us. We all walk out and into the entrance of the tower. Right in front of the door was a giant fire pit that was lit. I have a bad feeling about it. We walk towards the front door and are stopped by Happy. I can tell it's him because my enhanced sight can read his badge from way far back. Mom is at the front of the line when Happy hands her a badge. She shakes his hand and walks in. Happy then grabs a megaphone and speaks,"Please grab all personal belongings from your bags then throw the bag in the fire pit. Only keep treasured items. Mr.Stark has bought you all new stuff along with designing your room." I am a little miffed by this. I reached in my bag and pulled out three items. The first was a stuffed panda that I got from my parents before they died. The second was a picture of my parents. The third was a picture of the Hydra logo that I used as a dart board. When I arrive at Happy I throw my dingy old backpack into the fire and watch it catch aflame. I take the pass from Happy and look at it. It is a white card with a black trim. It has my picture and the words and numbers Level 10 along with my age. I look up to see everyone has stopped moving and Happy standing at the front. I tune into what he is about to say,"Ok so you might be wondering about the cards. Well the trim is the color of a certain power you have." When he says this I look at Sam's card to see she has a purple trim then at Moms to see she has a orange/pink,black,and light grey trim. Happy keeps speaking,"Your cards are level 10 meaning you can go anywhere in the tower. Do not lose these as you will not be able to get in the tower." Happy walks to a swiping machine and swipes his card and I hear a female voice,Irish maybe,speak through the ceiling,"Welcome Happy Hogan,level 7 Security Guard. No powers" I froze for a minute when I realized this thing could read you for powers. One of the guys walks through. He has red hair that goes to his shoulders just about and has an undercut. His eyes are green and blue and kinda transparent. All the while having a pale white skin and is around 5'7 ½. He swipes his card and the voice speaks,"Hello Ash Grace. Son of Olivia Grace. Welcome home. Powers: Pyrokinesis,Geokinesis,Hydrokenisis,Aerokinesis" I see him smirk before stepping next to Happy. The rest of the names go by in a blur 

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