1. Me

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Hi my name is Felisha, but my friends call me fee. I'm 19 and live with my best friend, Maleeka or vixen as we call her. We live in a massive house and both have successful jobs. At the moment vixen is dating Drake and their relationship looks promising. I have golden skin and long dark brown hair. Vixen is light skinned with black medium length hair. We are both American. I have a 25 year old brother, Chris Brown who makes music and dances for a living just like me. Chris has always been very protective and I love that but sometimes it can be hella annoying. Both Chris and I provide for our mother who currently lives in Virginia.

I am dating August Alsina who drives me crazy, not in a good way. He is never there and is always cheating on me but accuses me of cheating. Usher, my boy best friend keeps telling me that I can do a lot better than him and that he's no good for me. He's right. I have already decided that I'm going to break up with him after his tour finishes. I'm not going to be a coward and do it over the phone, I'm going to do this face to face.

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