Chapter 1

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When life lessons teach you to live to the fullest, I live to the fullest.
"AHHHHH"I screamed with joy and terror as I was riding a broom stick for the first time, I was 8, unlike Harry I lived with the Weasleys.

I had no idea I had a twin brother, well not until i saw a boy at the train station that looked identical to me. He had shaggy brown hair, green eyes and glasses; It made me wonder. Ron and I were in the same year luckily, so we wouldn't be alone.
The boy with the shaggy hair asked Mrs Weasley something, it was probably because he didn't know where the platform was.

"Hello, I'm Harry Potter" He said to us, I looked at Ron confused and then looked back at Harry "Urm y/n .. Potter" I told him and he looked at me confused and then shrugged, Ron started talking of course "I'm Ron Weasley, aren't you the boy who lived? Y/n is the girl who lived, isn't she brilliant." Harry laughed and then continued to take in what Ron had just said "wait.. your the girl who lived.. do you think ?" He questioned me. "Maybe.. I'm not sure. I never knew anything about my family, they died when I was 1" Harry looked at me with shock on his face, " so did my family."

"HOLY CRICKETS ! Are you two married?" I heard Ron scream,
"Bloody hell Ronald, we are 11" I said to him "Let's get on the train before we miss it!"
We got on the train and found a compartment, we sat down and had a chat

"Hey guys, I'm going to change into my robes. Be back in a second" I said and smiled as I walked out.  As I was walking to the bathroom , I saw a platinum blonde boy and a brunette girl together, "Uh hello!" I heard the brunette (Scarlett Byrne version )
say to me,
"Hi!" I replied, "I'm pansy, pansy Parkinson" She smiled and said to me,
"I'm y/n, y/n potter" I said introducing myself.
"Hello, I'm Draco malfoy" He said holding out his hand to shake mine
"Pleasure to meet you both" I shook his hand, "I need to get changed but I hope to see you both soon" I said while smiling and continuing to walk away.

I got changed and made my way back to Harry and Ron, to my surprise a girl was talking to them; she was brunette and had brown eyes and carried ALOT of books, I think her name is Hermione Granger, she was looking for a toad.
The girl left the compartment , waving at me.
"Who's the girl Ronald ?" I said jokingly to him
"Oh shut it y/n, you couldn't get a boy even if you tried" He said, I smirked and replied to him "Your right I won't" They looked at me confused,
"What the bloody hell does that mean, everyone loves you y/n" Ron said
"Ah Ronald, one day, maybe one day , you will figure it out..." I bit back, he rolled his eyes and ate his sandwich.

The lady with the trolley came round and asked us if we wanted anything, me and Ron said no thankyou and looked at our sandwiches until we heard Harry say "we will take the lot!" Me and Ron looked at each other and gasped "how do you have so much money?!" Ron said to Harry. "Well my parents left a butt load of money in their volt at gringots" He replied to Ron.

A  few hours passed and we made our way to get sorted

"What house do you guys want to be? I want Gryffindor because otherwise mum will
kill me" Ron said to Harry and I.
"I don't really mind to be honest" I said to him and he nodded.
"Anything but Slytherin" Harry said to us.

The sorting hat sorted a few people until I heard my name..
"Potter, y/n!" Mcgonnagal shouted, I sat down and she placed the hat on my head
"Courage, yes very brave, yet sly and smart... hmm very difficult, BEST BE... SLYTHERIN" I looked at Harry and Ron anxiously and they put a thumb up showing me that they didn't mind. Harry and Ron got sorted to Gryffindor, whilst Draco and Pansy got sorted to Slytherin with me.

"Hello again" I heard a voice from behind me, it was a soothing voice this I recognised,
"Hello Pansy"I replied with a chuckle, Draco walked behind me and sat to my right and pansy on my left, "Hello Draco" Ron and Harry gave me a sharp look, I looked down and said "sorry, Ron and Harry aren't fond of Slytherin and don't like me talking to you two, I don't care though because they don't have to know we are friends" I looked up and smirked and they gave the same look back at me.

Once everyone was sorted the feast began and our timetables and dorm buddy's name with handed to us

I looked at my dorm mates name and looked up and over to pansy
"Pansy! We are dorm mates" I said and smiled
"Oh wow that's great!" she replied, Ron walked over to me and said
"Y/n. A word?" I looked up and shrugged and got up to talk to him.
"What is it Ronald?" I asked him,
"Don't be friends with malfoy and Parkinson, they are nothing but Trouble" he said
"Easy for you to say, your a Gryffindor, you have barely talked to them because they are actually very nice" I said and sat down again

"Sorry about that, he's being stupid" I said to Draco and Pansy.
"Let's go to bed, it's getting late" Pansy said to us , we agreed and walked to the common room and went to bed.

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