Chapter 1: The Audition

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"We must run, run we must!" He sounded more like he was reading a Shakespeare play than a high school horror performance. On the other hand Kai has always been like that, sometimes it can be helpful but sometimes it's just annoying. I've always been a theater kid, six year old me would be proud that I followed her goal of being a star. I know I will most likely never get that far but a girl can dream, right? "We will never get far enough!" Kai's performance was getting a little out of hand even for him. It was like he was born to get this roll. Whatever he was doing it was working! The judges were overwhelmed, in a good way of course. Kai was definitely getting this role! 

As soon as he was done he ran back stage to give me a hug, he was proud of himself and I was proud of him, "I don't think I've ever pulled off a roll so well!" He yelled in excitement. "That was definitely your best one yet" I agreed, "but what do you think the judges thought?" "They probably thought it was amazing" He said in a silly tone doing some goofy model pose. His tone changed more serious, "Anyway you know that people auditioning for Alex go next," "I know" I replied, I was confident in getting this roll, after all I love horror. 

"Lilly Winter, can you please come to the stage to audition for Alex," Lilly, the rudest Junior ever, nobody likes her besides Mr. Mark, who sadly is our drama teacher. I should've guessed she would be auditioning. "Not her," Kai said and he was dead serious too, "you don't stand a chance!" He elbowed me joking around, and usually I would joke around about this stuff to but I was actually a little nervous. "Come on Cass what's up with you?" I started to zone out onto the stage where Lilly was standing, there was no way I was missing this. Kai obviously picked up on what I was doing pretty fast and stopped talking. "Life is troubling but I don't think this is the way to handle it," Lilly's performance to my surprise was pretty boring. After a Lilly's long audition I thought I was ready, since she did nothing special. But before I knew it, it was my turn, "Cassidy Lake, please step forward to audition for Alex,"

"Go Cass!" Kai yelled from back stage, "You may begin," said Mr. Mark sitting next to a woman I don't know with a clip board. She was writing something down she had some serious look on her face while writing, one that made me nervous but as soon as I was about to start the lights flickered then all of a sudden...

It went dark...

AN: Hey everyone sorry chapter 1 took forever to come out inspiration can be hard to find, but I hope you enjoyed it and as always looking for ideas and tips! See you in chapter 2! - AJ

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2021 ⏰

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