Cinnamon Tea

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After Frodo's adventure involving the ring, Sauron, and a plethora of other things that happened in book 3 but I didn't read it, he was finally home at his hobbit hole once again. Relaxation is all he wanted at this point and he honestly deserved it. He's seen death, destruction, and brutality while the normal hobbit can barely get over a stubbed toe. Needless to say, the small tiny baby man needs a break.

*knock knock knock*

Who could that be? He thought as he went to open his door.

"Hello Master Frodo!"

It was Sam. His former gardener turned adventure companion. Frodo had grown quite fond of the hobbit but was too scared at this point to admit it. So many time he was a treacherous situation but somehow Sam was able to save him. How he loved him so...

"Samwise! It's great seeing you here! But please, drop the formalities. We're gotten so close that you don't need to call me master anymore."

Oop! I hope he doesn't read into that.

"Sorry Mas-Frodo. Old habits die hard I guess."

Sam gave Frodo a reassuring smile and Frodo chuckled with him. He noticed that Sam's eyes seemed to light up when he was laughing. It was so beautiful.

"Uh-Frodo? Is there something on my face?"

Frodo realized he's been staring at Sam this whole time.

"N-no there's nothing! Must've spaced out for a moment. S-so what brings you here?"

"Oh! Well you see, I wanted to set up something special for you after all your hard work and dedication."

"My hard work? You did most if not all of my heavy lifting when we were traveling."

"That doesn't matter. I want to treat you to...a homemade picnic!"

Frodo got excited at the thought of spending the afternoon with Sam. He would imagine it as a date and dream of scenarios together once he gets home.

"Of course! I would love to go!"

"Well follow me then!"

Sam grabbed Frodo's hand and led him out of the hobbit hole. The ran past the fields and stopped at a nearby pond. There was a picnic blanket laid underneath a multitude of food. Hobbit eat a lot remember. I do bc the first book spent an entire chapter dedicated to Bilbos freaking birthday screw Bilbo.

"W-wow Sam. It's amazing."

"No need to thank me Frodo. Now let's eat!"

They ate all their food and talked about the little things they missed. Frodo got to know Sam even more and learned about his upbringing and his future goals. No matter what he did, he kept falling deeper and deeper in love with him.

After 2 hours, they were done and started to pack up. Sam shivered as he picked up the blanket.

"Sure is getting chilly this time of year."

Frodo took notice of this as they walked back to his home. He didn't want Sam to walk all the way home in the soon to be cold. Maybe...he could spend the night with him...

"T-thank you for this Sam. It's been lovely."

"You're very much welcome Frodo. Well, I better be off before it gets freezing."


Sam stopped in his tracks and turned around the meet Frodo's face. Well, it's now or never.

"Y-you don't have to go. I-I-I mean, it's getting to cold to walk home so...maybe stay for some tea and wait for it to warm up before you go."

Sam hesitated for a moment before looking back at Frodo. How could anyone deny a face like that?

Cinnamon Tea: Frodo x SamWhere stories live. Discover now